Mortgage Meltdown = Less Broken Homes…

broken home

My next career will be to find myself as a political strategist. Right beside me will be an economist and a statistician. The stats dude is like your cornerman in the boxing ring. He can tell you what spots to hit your opponent for the greatest effect.

All kinds of folks were shitting bricks when the news came down that the government would have to bail out super-mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is some huge hiccup shit. The only thing worse would be a government rescue of the FDIC. If that shit has to go down then you can best believe motherfuckers will be jumping from skyscraper windows.

So with all the news of doom and gloom in the housing market there comes a ray of light from the darkness. The number of divorces in the U.S. has declined along with the value in real estate. As families have had to come to grips with the fact that most aren’t really into their significant other anymore they have been unable to separate themselves due to the heavy debtload their mortgages carry.

Broken Homes, Unwanted Houses

Imagine trying to sell your home to pay off your divorce lawyers when you find that the current appraisal is $100K less than you paid for the damn thing!?! This totally shifts the focus on that old adage, “Its cheaper to keep her”. Couples are finding banks reluctant to refinance the properties when only one income is maintaining the mortgage. The new American dream is now being able to afford your divorce lawyer.

Where is the politician taking credit for the housing collapse and mortgage meltdown by saying that he/she did this to keep families together? SARAH PALIN would totally bust her guns for this.

sarah guns

5 Responses to “Mortgage Meltdown = Less Broken Homes…”

  1. LM says:

    So true. I could name names if I wanted…

  2. If that shit ain’t photoshopped…that’s a classic.

  3. is it photoshop ? I just emaioed it around …

  4. nerditry says:

    Divorce rates are lower, but are marriage rates decreasing, too? Shit, I’d much rather be broke with someone else’s broke ass around, too.

  5. that pic is photoshopped, I saw that on some blog like dkos or some such.

    @Dalls, u should collab with this kid Capitol Hill Gangsta for ur Internets Celebrities. I stumbled upon CHG, shyt is straight comedy, yet insightful.

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