POLITRICKS 2008: The Numbers Game…

mighty healthy

President elect OBAAMA hasn’t even had a chance to take a crap in the Oval Office toilet before the shit has hit the fan. You must have heard the story about the arrest of Illinois’ governor ROD BLAGOJEVICH (say that shit 5x fast) and the latest news that he was apparently about to tab JESSE JACKSON III for the Senate seat that has been vacated by OBAAMA’s ascension.

The Governor was supposedly holding out for more money. But only a million? A Senate seat is worth 100x that amount considering that these dudes are giving banks upwards of $75Billion and the auto makers are about to get their billion dollar welfare checks any day now. A million dollars seems like the kind of pocket change that Pacman Jones would bring to a strip club to throw up in the air.

I think that OBAAMA is lucky that this dude got pinched when he did before it leaked out in the open how much more underhanded shit was going down in the Springfield statehouse. Chicago politricks is notorious for their corruption and double deals. I’d like to know who the emissary on behalf of JESSE JACKSON III was. Could it have been JESSE? The “run Jesse, run” JESSE?

Earlier this year we saw the downfall of Client #9. Now we have the scandal of Candidate #5. As soon as the next number comes in I will be playing the straight off the Big Red sheet at the barbershop.

3 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: The Numbers Game…”

  1. the_dallas says:

    But y’all don’t hear me tho’.

  2. DirtyJerz says:

    Word! Number Runnin’ at its finest…NYC-BKLYN-HANDLE-BOLITA!
    Does this mean that Chicago gets nuffin on the 2016 Olympics?

  3. a-one says:

    I voted against him last time simply because he refuses to move to Springfield so I gotta pay for him to fly down there all the time.

    Talk about singular issue voting.

    Last month he shut down random state parks & historical sites in the name of balancing the budget but the next day he gave his people a raise. Just the other day he approved the hiring of 200 something prison officers for a prison that isn’t even open yet.

    Don’t trust anyone whose name you can’t pronounce

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