Mothers I’d Like To F…


Chocolate Snowflake e-mailed me a set of pictures that Madonna shot for whatever wacky shit she is promoting this time around. After 25 years of these silly promotions I too wondered when Madonna was going to hang up the garters so that a younger chick could get her sensationalist on.

Madonna still has a few tricks up her sleeves however. She is a fierce competitor and if you want her crown you are going to have to fight her for it.


I thought that she made a good decision to keep on the boxing gloves and wrap her hands with taping. If you ever see Madonna’s hands, especially the knuckles, you would shudder. They looked like gnarled pterodactyl claws and babies get scared and cry when they see them.

I’m not mad at Madonna wearing all of this lingerie mixed with boxing equipment and even a four-finger ring. If she wants to get her “box” beat up better than a boxing match it is time for her to bring her old ass to the ‘hood.

Madonna is a helluva entry to put on your resume.


11 Responses to “Mothers I’d Like To F…”

  1. wax says:

    as I say to my 1 year old son when something is gross, looking at these pictures… “YUCKY TRUCKY”

    that ish is nasty dawg

  2. Candice says:

    She looks good for 50 whatever. She still can’t sing.

  3. Gee says:

    I got nothing but love for Old G and she is holding her own and ANYbody elses’ that will let her…
    Rhianna and all of the other new guard ( Lady Gaga) pay attention…Class is in session.

  4. the_dallas says:

    Fools be trippin’ when they act like they wouldn’t give it to Madonna. I would break her ass if she tried to peg me like she did Gay-Rod or Rodman [ll]

  5. Combat Jack says:

    ^^ I’d consider that too, but remember, EVERY Black that’s ever been there has either fallen the eff off or gayed the eff out:

    Big Daddy Kane
    Devonte Swing
    Dennis Rodman
    Jean-Michel Basquiat
    David Blaine

    Enter at your own risk.

    • Wilma says:

      gingerpixel – Thanks for commenting UI, I think for blogs to even come onto the mainstream radar (let alone be taken seriously as journalism) more people need to be doing it. If we push the diversity of blogging that yo1&8#2u7;re talking about it will attract more people to start writing their own.

  6. dankalank says:

    ^^ David Blaine is black?!?

  7. Combat Jack says:

    ^^^ Well he sure as hell ain’t white!!!

  8. Pana says:

    What about Tupac? Don’t tell me he was on the DL!!! And he didn’t fall off (does being dead count?)

  9. Vee says:

    She’s worth some serious bread, so I understand that she’s not doing it for the money. Neither is Cher. Every once in a while she drops a half-way decent single. Fans still love her to death. While she looks great for 50, I don’t know about MILF’in that though.
    Then again, if it was available . . .

  10. Jdotnicholas says:

    She’s Nina Hartley status.

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