Twitter Is Killing Shit…

army twits

Twitter goes to the front lines in Baghdad.

Congressman Twitters, Raises Security Concerns

The real issue with Twitter is that the army doesn’t want their soldiers Twittering about how life sucks in the military.

Thanks to VeE for the graphics

5 Responses to “Twitter Is Killing Shit…”

  1. fats says:

    how to sir……..we’ll rap


  2. Royal says:

    What I really had to smh @ was how it was good ol’ Pete Hokestra from MICHIGAN who decided to go in hard on twitter…

    twitter >> michigan politricks

  3. Gee says:

    His ass better be glad there is no wireless available in Afghanistan…Old farts want to appear connected too, even if it is to the enemy.

  4. VEe says:

    Military officials already frown on some blogging soldiers expressing their opinions on the war.

    Afghanistan. darn.

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