The track featured on this video is from Statik Selektah’s latest album ‘Stick @ Tha’ Script’.
SkyZoo, Joell Ortiz and Talib Kweli deliver an appropriate paean to the sassiest and sexiest women in NYC.
(with respect & apologies to Bronx girls, of course)
Talkin’ ‘Bout You (Ladies) from dallas penn on Vimeo.
This entry was posted on Saturday, May 30th, 2009 at 12:34 pm and is filed under 5 Elements, BeYONCE's Hair, Black Bullshit, Blipsters = Hipsters, Lust = Love, No Boutros Boutros... Ghali, T.O.N.Y., When I Reminisce..., Wig Owners. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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luv em all
BK all day, every day. I don’t know what else to say.
Lawdie that girl is hot.
I saw a few eye lookers in this including the one on the screen shot
and 3:05 (one on the left)
I watched this a few times today. One of my favorite tracks and as always, classic and brilliant footage