Where Your Stimulus Went…


In order to avoid another public relations clusterfuck mega-insurance fuck-up AIG is asking the Federal government to co-sign their executive bonus package.

I’m still wondering what happened to the check that the Feds were going to cut me for voting OBAAMA into office.

There’s a check coming for that right?

6 Responses to “Where Your Stimulus Went…”

  1. LankyFranky says:

    No no no…we arent getting anything. Im watching cbs morning news, and they are talking about giving another bonus to these rich mofos!!!

    Good luck getting that money…its a recession, they dont have money like that to be throwing around.

  2. Dom Corleone says:

    Depends on the structure of the new stimulus. Rebate checks to consumers are usually not the best way to stimulate the economy immediately because people use them for savings or to pay off debt, neither of which helps the economy rebound in the short term.

    Still, I’d take me a check if Obama wanted to give me one. As long as it doesn’t bounce..

  3. nerditry says:

    My dudes, please read this re: how the eff did AIG happen?


    Just like most things in the recent past, one dumb shit full of hubris and money manages to walk all over people that turn a blind eye instead of doing their jobs.

  4. brahmabull says:

    I was gonna up the vanity fair link as well.

    read the whole story, understand everything a little better and then talk about it.

  5. the_dallas says:

    ^ The 2 sentence commenter that knows EVERYTHING. haha SMH

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