Hide The Salahi…


Let’s play a game and imagine that the Salahi couple were from NE D.C. instead of Georgetown, or wherever the rich people live. Would they have even known that a state dept. dinner was going down in the White House? PrA’li not.

The fact that the Salahis abused their privilege is why I want their coat pulled. When in the history of America has a *pretty blond haired woman been posited as a criminal? Never. Blond broads are literally like little Easter chicks that the collective society has to protect always.

No Secret Service agent in his right mind could justify barring this blond woman if she was unarmed and posed no clear and present danger. The Salahi couple knows this and they abuse their privilege because they are starfuckers. This is why we need them arrested and the shit beat out of them.

Let’s kill all the starfuckers


14 Responses to “Hide The Salahi…”

  1. ovid bowsprit says:

    no shit

  2. chea says:

    the black chick in the middle could get it. she spoke at my law school back in the day

  3. chea says:

    who’s the broad on the far left(?)

  4. wax says:

    “When in the history of America has a blond haired woman been posited as a criminal? ”


  5. the_dallas says:

    Wax, touche mon frere.

    *I should apend that statement with the word pretty.

    When I wrote that sentence my mind was on the Tiger Wuss story. Mz.Ahmad TWitted that if Tiger had been chasing down the babysitters SUV with a golf club and her lips were bloodied up while she was barely conscious we might not even be seeing him alive today.

    I don’t give a fux about Tiger but that shit is the truth from the soundproof booth

  6. Joe says:

    Agreed 100% Dallas. If this was a black couple…maaan… I wouldn’t even want to see the size of the book they’d throw at those people.

  7. Tony Grands says:

    Word, DP.

    It’s these seemingly small occurances that truly highlight the racial over(& under)tones of American civilization. Put shoes to other feet, & both stories would have substantially different outcomes. Bloodshed. Possible death. Wouldn’t be press conferences, explanations, none of that privileged damage control.

    & Tiger lost more stripes (pun intended) for super slipping on his pimping & allowing his dick to fuck up his life. How many white women does a brother need to be worthy of his own success?

  8. Following up on Wax–


    Not a bad movie movie at all, tho’ I prefer Sam Peckinpah’s (mad genius) answer to it in “The Wild Bunch.”

    Otherwise… yeah.

    I’m unsure just what the fuck the Salahi’s actually but, regardless, I think an apt punishment would be sending ’em to Afghanistan to entertain the troops.

    I’m really PSYCHED about Obama’s war there too, btw; it’s been gnawing at me ever since Afghanistan attacked us on 9/11– when we will strike back?!

    Finally, Barack Obama: a man of courage who’ll get the job done.

    MLK, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence,” 4 April 1967–


  9. the_dallas says:

    Isn’t the Black chick in the middle Omarossa with a boob job?

  10. 6 100 says:

    Who’s the ugly chick on the left? She looks related to Tyra Banks

  11. Tony Grands says:

    Isn’t the Black chick in the middle Omarossa with a boob job?

    ^^What I thought was “that’s the broad who got into it with Wendy Williams”. Couldn’t think of the name. Her attitude is a buzz kill. & her boobs are as believable as the Loch Ness monster in a UFO getting dome from a unicorn.

  12. BIGNAT says:

    “Isn’t the Black chick in the middle Omarossa with a boob job?” yeah she got that joint after trump dumped her ass from the show. she should have not got them joints she was okay without them.

  13. gstatty says:

    i don’t even wanna know about the implications of a black president water boarding a blonde white… girl, as if he needs anymore people to want to merc him, that dude though, his name is tareq, straight up middle eastern son, salahi has got to be some middle eastern name too, how the eff did this get past secret service? i guess the driver of the droptop that jfk was ridin did merc him too though, i hope those two at least get choked out

  14. Tony Grands says:

    “i guess the driver of the droptop that jfk was ridin did merc him too though…”

    ^^Wow. Imagine if the whole thing was a dress rehearsal for something far more sinister. Nah, lemme chill out with the conspiracy theories. But, I’m just saying…

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