kevin powell

I would never suggest that you wear shoes and nicely ironed ‘slacks’ to a party, but this event right here is the G.O.A.T. one night event. It’s as if Target and DSW and PathMark AND Victoria Secret’s got together to throw a party. It’s a delicious estrogen overload.

It is the only party filled to the gills with working ladies. For some of whom this may be their last time giving a man some action. If you single fellas play your cards right you will also bag up a shorty with the mean connect to a New Year’s Eve jumpoff.

Don’t go here to rack up digits tho’. Go here to hunt down a piece of trophy poon for your holiday mantle. Avoid ThunderDome if possible.

Friday, December 11, 2009 @ 10:00pm
54 Varick Street (@ Laight St.)
New York, NY
$ = FREE

5 Responses to “KEVIN POWELL COAT DRIVE = G.O.A.T.”

  1. Grand Master says:

    *waits for ernie to go in on kevin powell*

  2. Grand Master says:

    pause, of course. as if it has to be said.

  3. … uh-oh! I wasn’t aware Ernie P. was beefing with Kevin P… what’s that about? This seems a good cause plus, politically, any enemy of the fucking worthless* Edolphus Towns can’t be ALL bad– and even if he was, being bad differently is a start.

    * clarification: I suspect Mr. Towns net worth is QUITE substantial, and well beyond what his already generous salary as Congressman would suggest.

  4. 6 100 says:

    Shouldn’t one activly seek out ThunderDome but proactivly clench their cheeks for protection?

  5. BIGNAT says:

    dp you suppose to drop all your women going into x-mas and pick them back up again in march.

    6 100 Says:

    December 10th, 2009 at 3:55 pm
    Shouldn’t one activly seek out ThunderDome but proactivly clench their cheeks for protection?

    LMAO no you would keep her head and hands where you can see them.

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