Taking Back The ‘N’ Word…

tea party hooligan

If you have fuxed with this website for any extended periood you might should already know that I wish white would use the word ‘NIGGAR’ as much as they want, and ESPECIALLY when they are referring to themselves.

The dude above is one of the main mouthpieces for the Tea Party hooligans that have been kicking up dust saying Obaama is a socialist and that America is being governed by a president who isn’t even a U.S. citizen.

I’m glad that Dale Robertson understands that he isn’t worth a hill of beans to his congressman, but I’m not so sure he has his head on str8 as to what that means. Robertson is concerned with the erosion of his privilege. Part of his understanding of his lifestyle is that he is entitled to services and a quality of life because he is an American born caucasian. Robertson is upset that a migrant worker might be afforded the same health care and right to life benefits that he enjoys.

Guess what Mr. Robertson? That same migrant worker picks the lettuce and tomatoes that feeds your fat arse. That same migrant worker prepares the food that you shovel down your craw with reckless abandon. It’s too difficult for Dale Robertson to see the shoes that other people walk in because he can’t even see his feet over his fat belly.

Fux you Dale Robertson.

You are a niggar tho’.

14 Responses to “Taking Back The ‘N’ Word…”

  1. BIGNAT says:

    i guess dale comes from the south

  2. 6 100 says:

    @ Nat

    I’m guessing Texas

  3. Slumbilical says:

    Fux you Dale Robertson.

    You are a niggar tho’.



  4. Tony Grands says:

    Get ’em, DP!

    A lot of Americans hold tight to the patriotism, but don’t want to acknowledge the backs of the people this country was built on. I understand, but can’t agree. If it wasn’t for the worker, looking for a better life no matter what it entails, that fat douche nozzle wouldn’t be able to wear that ugly ass shirt…

    Ugh. Last thing I want to see is hairy, gray, shriveled man boob. He should be grateful.

  5. fredMS says:

    u should do a post on white privilege

  6. Slumbilical says:

    fredMS Says:

    January 6th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
    u should do a post on white privilege


    Word, son.

  7. Amadeo says:

    The daily show had a good joint last night about how O’reilly and the other fox douchebags keep talking about how the America they grew up in is being destroyed. They interviewed people who knew about each decade, but living in it or whatever and they all broke down basically how horrible they were.

  8. BIGNAT says:

    6 100 Says:

    January 6th, 2010 at 9:07 am
    @ Nat

    I’m guessing Texas

    yeah i thought the same thing but if i said the south i knew i would get it.

  9. 40 says:

    We all know that muhfucka ain’t had ne’er piece of lettuce or tomato in the last 13 years….

  10. $ykotic/Don McCaine says:

    LOL @ 40

  11. Mark Dub says:

    LMAO @ 40. The ONLY way that douch-nozzle ever saw lettuce or tomato was on a double whopper from Burger King.

  12. Tony Grands says:

    ^^& had the nerve to wash it down with diet shasta.

  13. 40 says:

    LOL. Watch it Tony. I wash down all my 1875 calorie fast food meals with diet Coke! (Its a taste preference.)

  14. Tony Grands says:

    ^^Ha! No shots, 40, respect. Lol.

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