Pat Robertson On Vacay?


In Iceland, Mostly Clear Consciences

Where is Pat Robertson now with his ‘Will of God’ sermon?

I’m just sayin’…


4 Responses to “Pat Robertson On Vacay?”

  1. Mark Dub says:

    Isn’t it ironic that he hasn’t said anything, and Iceland is looking like the backdrop for Hell w/all the smoke and ash?

  2. nerditry says:

    Duh, cause white people don’t make pacts with the devil!

    Pat’s on vacation in Haiti with Tyler Perry at a Hedonism resort.

  3. LM says:

    “Vikings who signed a pact with Brett Favre,” maybe…

    Rush Limbaugh has stepped up…

  4. Pat’s been on vacation for years. That dude’s been out-to-lunch in the sanity department for as long as I can remember. He hasn’t mentioned it probably because the uproar from his Haiti ignorance gave his ratings (& wallet) the boost he was looking for.

    An Icelandic insult wouldn’t got him any recognition. Until a plane crashes because of the ashes, God forbid. Give him time…

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