House centipedes – These are the GOOD bedbugs…
Rebe Jackson – ‘Centipede’
Sometimes I miss the good ol’ bad New York City of my youth. This was the New York City where the subways were filled graffiti and not some bullshit where the MTA lets corporations wrap trains top to bottom with paid advertisements.
This latest incarnation of New York City is acting pretty bitchmade if you ask me. Maybe it was all that Disney shit filling up Times Square and chasing away the hookers and closing the arcades. It’s definitely not sexy to see all this anti-Islam fervor being generated over a community center, but the blind fear people are circulating over bed bugs might be the worst thing yet.
The damn things are so small they can barely be detected and if you also have house centipedes they will eat the bed bugs so your problem solved. If people want to fear something they should worry about all the vermin feces they inhale everytime a subway car wrapped with advertisements blows into their station.
Truth be told is that I’m hoping on cashing in on the bed bug hysteria in my own little way. Niketown has reported an infestation in their store’s stockroom. Hopefully they will be discounting some AirMax 2009 to the low low. I’ll be there to pick up those pieces.
pick them up along with some bugs to have you itching at night is it worth it?
Now you just have to hope that the Adidas store that gave you shit last year gets infested with bed bugs so you can get the last laugh.
Césarienne en urgence il y 1 semaine, je n’arrive pas à être pleinement heureuse. Bebe né avec 1 mois d’avance. Le retour à domicile est plus compliqué que ce que j’imaginais. Mon bébé peine à prendre ses bibis… je me sens tellement impuissante et démunie. Quel horrible sentiment. Merci pour ton article… il me donne de l’espoir.
Thanks to my father who told me about this website, this website is
truly remarkable.
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Letting The Bed Bugs Bite… «