The British Keep It Cheeky


Leave it to the U.K. to be progressive when it comes to casual sex. British bars and pubs are selling sex toys in vending machines. This news begs several questions from me…

1) Don’t the Brits realize the need for sex toys stores if people have to go to a pub to get a vibrator?

2) Are people hooking up in London night spots like that? When I was in London I had to travel to Bromley just to buy some pussy from a haggardly Trinidadian lady. I will be damned if I couldn’t have just smashed some bad breath Londoner down in Piccadilly Circus.

3) After a dozen rounds do you think the bartender will give you a free E.P.T. kit?

I guess Brit pub patrons don’t mind living on the edge. I would suggest for all of the U.K. partygirls to bring a lot of lubrication with them if they are coming to party in New York City. We’ve got a ‘killer‘ party scene

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