classic H.A.M. wall pose

The magic of the 2006 2nd Annual Hot Azz Mess awards is even inspiring folks on an international level.

gaza h.a.m.

5 Responses to “INTERNATIONAL H.A.M.”

  1. reninatronix says:


    You have sunk to a new low. You also made me laugh.

  2. rafi says:

    Wow. The gallery is incredible…

    You know how you speak of getting payed through your writing…. I think the answer is to publish that gallery as a coffee table book.

  3. the_dallas says:


    Ha! that’s an ill idea, but workable for sure.

  4. Tony says:

    “Hands against the wall ladies. There are some days when being a cop is the greatest job on earth.”

    And some not, as the last picture demonstrates.

    And is that a Dylan poster that guy is standing against? Life is ironic.

  5. Tony says:

    Oh, and the apple on that woman’s ass. That’s cool along with the gleam of her belly chain but somehow I’m guessing that broad doesn’t eat a lot of fruit.

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