boss man


We couldn’t continue to massage and coddle the site any longer. It was time to come out and meet the world. Time for me to stop confiding my darkest secrets to a talking stuffed animal celebrity hating photograher named BLU CHEEZ. Time for me to leave my parents’ basement and get a girlfriend(preferably a white woman).

fab four

High time for BILLY SUNDAY to stop sleeping on the streets, to get a job and start bathing regularly.

sunday asleep

I don’t know if we all can make a difference in the way that you view the world, but we are sure gonna shoot the shot. I thank all of you that have made it this far with us and I promise on behalf of BLU CHEEZ, WILLIAM H. SUNDAY and the entire crew that we won’t stop giving you the passionate real talk that you have come to expect from us.

I am sure that you won’t like everything that you read, but you have the choice to holler back and put your voice and your language on the site. Real talk is the key to love and life so don’t be skerred to have your voice heard.

I would like to take a second to shout out a few of the folks that helped me go ‘live’ this weekend. JAQUI HERNANDEZ, APPLE HALSEY, CURLY SUE, EXTRA P, TAHERO, PEDRO MARTINEZ(N.Y. METS), DIDDY, N.A.S.A.(for naming the hurricane after a sister – KATRINA), BeYONCE, JAY-Z, FLAVA FLAV, BOBBY BROWN and last but not least, IDI AMIN.

Well family, here goes nothing… actually, here goes everything.

-the ‘Dallas’ (I owns this shit. Biatch!)


  1. chitown says:

    You are a mad scientist, D! This shit is brilliant.

    Seriously though, I think that Billy Sunday might have walked off with my Ipod. Can you say something to him. He kind of scares me.

  2. the_dallas says:

    I apologize for B.Sunday because he still has a little bit of that klepto-dope fiend stylee in him after all these years. Was it the 40GB? Damn, I know that you put some heat on the piece too.

  3. The Liam says:


    Here’s a public comment. You are outdoing everyone else out there. I can say this ’cause I don’t see any other site more days than yours. If I wrote “LOL” more often I’d do that after a bunch of your posts. But I don’t. So this’ll have to do for now.


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