AFRICA = Motherland Of GULLY!


My deposed African brother residing in Toronto, KAMOJI, likes to remind me that the greatest amount of gully peoples living on the planet are inside the dark continent. Who can argue with this great truism. Africa is the birthplace of gully. Can you imagine looking at your neighbors across the street and deciding that you would be willing to sell them into slavery in order to get a new set of cups and plates from the Home Shopping Network?

This is why I don’t particularly care for the Africans in Africa. Those people are the direct descendents of the people that sold my great-grandparents to the Devil. Why should I care how fucked the fuck up their lives have become. Shit is tough all over bitches. But I do care because that is the burden of being one of GOD’s chosen people. You have to care about more than just yourself. You have to understand that the web of life flows through all of us, Black, white, rich, poor, and even the Mexicans. We are only as good as the worst of us, and we is all we got. So in using that standard as a barometer, let’s look at recent news in Africa to see how fucked the fuck up we really are…

Even when Africans come to America they stay on their gully grizzly. An Egyptian couple living in California did they shit on some classic biblical shit by keeping a slave. Let my peoples go motherfucker!

Let me find out your boy TYSON BECKFORD is modeling in Mogadishu?!?


Damn sonn, times ARE really hard on the boulevard.

AIDS, famine and civil war are an almost invincible hat trick, but when you add in heroin addiction, I don’t even think GRETZKY could pull that one off.

We enjoyed a laugh or two at DIDDY’s ‘Vote Or Die’ marketing campaign a couple of years ago. In the Congo however, they keep it so real that it’s just wrong. And it looks like there’s going to be a grip more folks dying before the votes are counted. With three dozen candidates all vying for the office of president I say they should have a cage match with all the candidates and about ten lions. Whoever ends up with the most appendages left on their body gets to be president.

Hmmm, that wouldn’t be a half bad system to bring across the pond for the November ballots.

4 Responses to “AFRICA = Motherland Of GULLY!”

  1. mrkamoji says:

    Is it me but the first time I saw that first picture all I could think of is where did homie pick up that dope gold watch?

  2. Billy Sunday says:

    That’s exactly what I told my girl. This dude’s steez is fucked the fucked up, but he still has enough dignity to wear a watch. Where the fuck is he going that he needs to be on time.

    That’s why Africans is so fucking hardbody. Americans jigs with no physical deformities be looking for handouts, but not this dude (albeit he couldn’t really take a handout either, but I digress).

    American jigs may need to be slaves again in order for them to step their game up.

  3. Tony says:

    Okay, this is why I think Dallas is a writer of the first order: I was thinking about this post days after I read it and still don’t think I can come up with any thing more insightful than what is already written.

    What I can say is: I wonder why so few people share these kind of sentiments. So few people understand that we’re all in this together and “we is all we got.” For a few people, this is how the day starts no matter how many worries we have about paying the damn cable bill . . . For most, it’s not even an after thought.

    Thanks Dallas for reminding us where our head should be at . . . No homo.

  4. Candice says:

    Like the pp have stated, this is a thought provoking post. We are so spoiled here in the US. Coming from another country, I can totally relate to what people will do for the simplest items. All the crap we have available to us and we still don’t get it. Don’t squander opportunities young folks. Any child born in the US already has a light year head start over children in other nations. Don’t waste it watching playstation.

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