The new DP Dot Com logo is sooooo hardbody!
It’s easy to look at these images and say that these people are killing their own brothers and sisters. It’s difficult to understand why. To really, really understand why. These people have armaments that cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to design, fabricate, manufacture and deliver while they wear flip-flop sandals that are worth no more than a single dollar here in America. What do these people trade with the supremacists who supply these guns since their blood is apparently worth nothing?
When the fuck did these fools get rocket propelled grenade launchers?!? They have killed millions of people in Africa with only the Kalishnikov rifles, now supremacy is giving them RPG’s?!? We are evidently putting our outdated arms on eBay or OverStock Dot Com because there is no way in hell that these fools shold have anything more sophisticated than a bayonet. I’m seeing machine gun clips held together with masking tape. I imagine that these people no longer even need guns to kill one another. Just a box of bullets which they will hurl at each other at the speed of hate. In reality, it is poverty that they hate, but even with all the mineral resources in the world you still need supremacy to buy them from you. What? Did you think supremacy was going to let you sell them to whoever you want at a fair market rate?
The final section is for those of you that can handle the truth. I have seen these images before in so many places… Nigeria, Haiti, Ethiopia, The Congo, Iraq, South Africa, Queens New York. The names of the cities and states all blends together into this cauldron, bright red with blood and guts. These are children however and I can not remain unmoved by the sight of a young man returning home from the market with his groceries still locked in his hand. I want to be able to do something for him and all of them. I feel so guilty and ashamed sometimes for being allowed to be a child when I was 9 yrs old. Free to buy comic books and dream about superheroes. I wish there were superheroes that cared about poor people.
goddamnit 🙁
The Discovery Channel did a documentary on Civil Unrest in Africa, it was a 3 part series and I could barely watch it. It seems the leaders of these countries are the ones initiating or are to scared to take a stand for fear of them and their families being killed, are allowing this genocide to happen. What’s even more fucked up is, I don’t think all the nations combined together would be enough to put a stop to it.
goddammit indeed.
(oppressive colonization) – (government structure) + (weapons) = bodies
America doesn’t care. Rich people pretend to be concerned so that they can feel better about themselves and absolve themselves from real social responsibility. When they see shit like this. Sadly, abhorrent situations have to affect people’s lives directly in order for them to pay attention. Either that or the solution has to be profitable.
I don’t know what to do when I see things like this, and I suppose that makes me part of the problem…
talk about putting real things into a grand perspective …..good job dallas
Makes me wonder… From “Inner City America” and the cRap music it spews to the internal strife and slaughter of Africa it makes you wonder if the policy du jour is “let ’em all kill each other”.
Props on this drop DP. It will definitely change my approach to watching “Last King Of Scotland” for the first time tonight…
I feel inadequate
I know Struggle is all relative but the pictures posted would make the flashiest dude humble himself. Saul Williams said “happiness is a mediocre sin”. No matter how good or bad I have it I try never to forget that somewhere someone is suffering.
The shit we go through over here in this country aint shit. I mean…… once you step back and look at the grand scheme of things.
I see some of the kids in the pictures are wearing bandanas.
Don’t tell me they gangbangin over there too!???
I really believe its in “us” to hate one another.
damn dp, where do you get these pics? powerful stuff.
powerful words, my brother.
this post rings even more true, after bush gave his obligatory lets-save-darfur-without-going-there speech… the holocaust museum of all places…..
history is DESTINED to repeat itself.
Holy Hell. Powerful post and photos. I really liked the part about feeling “so guilty and ashamed sometimes for being allowed to be a child when I was 9 yrs old.” It’s a thought I’ve had many times as well and just one of many horrible feelings that elicited by contemplating the lock of concern for so many poor regions around the world which goes largely unnoticed . . . “Nigeria, Haiti, Ethiopia, The Congo, Iraq, South Africa, Queens New York” No doubt.
Just really depressing and something that micro-loans aren’t going to make right . . . At least not right away.
Another amazing post Dallas.
this breaks my heart..continuing cycle of poverty…good book “Awakening Hippocrates” by Edward O’Neil..sheds some light to this nonsense.
^”Just a box of bullets which they will hurl at each other at the speed of hate. ”
Classic line, great post.
I look at these pictures and it makes me despair for humanity, especially my brothers and sisters who are being murdered over nothing. And the sight of those little dudes in their little purple rags which they’ve blatently copied from some (Dipset) music video makes me feel sick. I can’t look at these photos without feelin emotionally humbled. And yet it is our fellow brothers who gain control of these 3rd World countries, incite hatred amongst our fellow blacks and we’re all too happy to follow their bullshit and murder. All so that these muthafuckas (Mugabe?) can rape the countries wealth and resources for their own ends. The brothers in charge don’t care about black people, in fact they probably care less about black people than George Bush (no Kanye). I was in Zimbabwe last year tryna to do a little something for the people, our fellow brothers are our own worst enemy at this point. God help all my brothers and sisters in Africa living in poverty and gettin murdered over nothing.
Great post.
What’s really sad is the same way youth here absorp (c)rap music, so do people in other places. The difference is they live in full on war. It’s always easiest to spread our madness.
Solution? This comment was originally long but I decided to cut out the extraneous tidbits and cynicism.
1) As Americans we need to clean up our act. Individuals, families, and communities need to take charge of their education, especially if you feel the local government system to be inadequate.
2) As Americans I think that we have a huge advantage in financially pressuring the companies and corporations that profits from death.
– Establish concrete goals like getting the high-tech weapons out of the hand of the teenagers, and stopping the violence.
– If there is a particular nation that concerns you, write your local politician. If they happen to be a member of organizations like the Black Congressional Caucus(?), write them. Urge them to take notice, they once did with South Africa. What can they do? They can help pressure (read boycott) the corporations that profit from death. Or simply help bring about public awareness. Hey, Save Darfur!
– If you’re mentoring a young child, you are doing something that will help the brothers and sisters overseas. Heck, Angela Jolie is freaking doing something that will help tremendously. Hopefully her kids will go back to their native lands and lend a hand when they get older.
In the mean time, I’m thankful that I didn’t grow up in those effed up situations, hopefully as I get older, wiser and financially grounded . . . I won’t forget and lend a hand to someone. And this post serves as a great reminder!
Maybe I can adopt a kid in the future who needs a stable environment and decent medical coverage.
In truth, the hit south africa took that made it look in on itself was the loss of tourism. The money they were losing in sun city was the spark the turned the tide in south Africa.
Unfortunately there are no sun cities in Darfur or the Congo, or most of those countries. The hard-line boycotts aren’t that effective in the long run, because we will just get the goods from a country that doesn’t support the boycott.
I totally agree, financial sanctions are not effective in some situations especially when there are alternatives to greedy U.S. companies, but what then?
[Insert bleeding hearted idealist, and cue music]
I’m almost sure some thing can be done to positively bring about change . . . well in the long run, because you can’t sustain a war, internal conflict for long periods of time without some kind of concession. Is Columbia still crazy like that also?
One thing for sure, the U.N. (mainly the U.S.) has proven to be historically ineffective. The U.S comes in with goodwill and leave countries dysfunctional or destabilized and exploited. Chavez!
Hey, discussion and brainstorming ideas on our part, while it may not bring about immediate concrete constructive change, but it is still something. We might in the end find a viable solution to end the killing here in NYC, D.C., North Philly and the young and thuggin in the U.K.
This madness has indeed spread to Eastern Europe. I find myself riveted to the screen whenever the images of these countries are displayed and I find out that the madness is right here in this land. When the fuck did these fools get rocket propelled grenade launchers?!? From the Russians and every other greedy european country that is willing to help in the aid of self extermination.
this post inspired me, my dude:
that warren buffet article is CRAZY. philanthropy, via the blood of the innocent. have you seen spike’s INSIDE MAN?
Vik and D, ya’ll inspired me to rock something that I’ll post next week.
All the nations who hold the most say in the world bank, who run the industries that subject nations and countries Like Africa, Palestine, Haiti, and South America and smaller paralleling situations in the U.S. in all major cities(the burrows and ghettos of all the people considered “Other”) are the ones who can make a difference that will free the leaders of these subjected lands to stop murdering their own people for their masters.