Live blogging for that anus McManus!
This drop was gonna be about the notion that music just has to be available to satisfy the masses. People no longer want to fill their hard drives up with the shit. As long as they can stream it from a website they won’t even download it.
I like this idea. I can’t tell you how often I will decline to review some shit if it isn’t on zShare. And then after I hear it on zShare several times I may not even download it.
I need my external hard drive space for pr0n and comicbook .pdf files.
What the recording industry should be doing with its last gasps of air and financial resources is to buy a T-shirt factory.
Word, dp.
We touched on that briefly. Yeah, the download is killing shit, as opposed to the free music. If they could sample it, as often as they wanted, with stipulation, then perhaps record sales would see a boost. “Sample”, being the operative word.
The theory now is that streaming music > downloading > buying.
Sites that stream music are having dramatic increase in use while sites like iTunes are peaking(as far as sales go)
The streaming era…
Totally agree. iTunes didn’t think of identity theft & stolen cc #’s, or lack of cc’s when they dropped either.
Streaming is the way now. If i wasn’t old school with it, and buying CD’s of artists that pretty much ain’t gonna sell or get dropped, I wouldn’t even bother buying anything.
I’ve got streaming beat.
I say, free albums, sell t-shirts. Would never have to worry about leaks or bootlegging.
Coming live @ chall from the beijing batcave…
dallas if you are still on comic .pdfs you are still not winning as hard as a brother should. get up on comic book reader and the .cbr format: smaller than pdfs, much better features, and usually better quality: check the science. Also all the best comic torrent aggregators speak in .cbr… it is the future and i know you are a futurist.
-GM out
I’m working in cable TV and hour-plus documentary film development right now, and it’s been interesting to see how fiercely we are instinctively fighting the onset of a future in which our kind of entertainment is free for the humble viewer and unable to attract the sponsorship of advertisers as we know them. This article definitely got me thinking hard yesterday afternoon–ignore the hunches of futurists like Dallas at your peril!–so imagine my delight this morning to find two Cnet articles advancing Dallas’s discussion of the potential of streaming media. Basically its cultural potential is enormous but its financial potential, right at the moment…sucks. Due to entrenched interests and technological change, of course, and speaking of which, isn’t it a little scary that entrenched interests own the infrastructure of our Internets, too?
Anyway, peep:
Michael Robertson…Digital Music’s Bad Boy Was Right:
Plenty Of Proof That Ads Don’t Support Web Music: