Gay Priests And The Price Of Real Estate…


The Vatican was just socked with another scandal of a fruitbag priest trying to put his healing hands on another man. These dudes are gonna give Jesus a bad name before too long. I’m almost sure that the man who could turn water into wine wasn’t a freak that way despite spending an inordinate amount of time with the fellas [ll]. The bigger story that these scandals uncover is the diminishing prestige of the Catholic church. People used to really fucks with the Catholic movement, but not so much anymore. Even the popularity of the ‘DaVinci Code’ storyline hasn’t brought in enough followers to stem the tide of defectors.

Could it be a disbelief of religion in general, or a direct indication of the mistrust in how the priesthood has been getting down since like forever?

Who knows, and more importantly, who the fuck cares!? The thing I have noticed is that the Catholic church is no longer the largest real estate owner here in New York City. Columbia University has that distinction. The Archdiocese has been literally uprooted from the settlements of numerous scandals involving deception and faggotry. Mostly faggotry. So in turn they have not just been cutting off the outreach programs like soup kitchens and bingo nights, but they are selling off their land assets one at a time. I’m talking about some of New York City’s most valuable land in the central midtown area of Manhattan island. Pretty soon they are going to have to come up off some of that Egyptian shit they stole thousands of years ago.

After that the Vatican is going to have to rent out the Pope to attend state fairs to sit in the dunk tank and kiss peoples’ bunions for a fee.


5 Responses to “Gay Priests And The Price Of Real Estate…”

  1. EL- O- HEEM Star says:

    The share holders are losing faith in the Catholic Church Stock…Even after 9-11 more and more americans are converting in to Muslims.

  2. FatBoY says:

    What you do in the dark will come to the light.

    They finally paying for their past sins. Abusing little kids. Now that those same kids are grown up now, they are starting to come foward report these crimes.

    Now them priests gotta pay what they owe.

    They don’t get any jail time though!? They just cut a check and try to make it all go away.

  3. Lion XL says:

    How is it that the largest the largest body homo-phobes on the planet is run by the largest body of homo’s and pedophile’s? Like GOD can’t see what goes on in the preists parlour!

    Now I have no real problem with the gay community, they keep to themselves and do they own thing, cool. I DO have a problem with pedophiles, especially GAY Pedophiles. And that is the biggest problem within the catholic church, they seem to be run by GAY pedophiles.

  4. Amadeo says:

    Here they move around from church to church so that every place can get some action on sunday.

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