Awwwwww ish! Where the ladies at?!? I see some of the females that can handle the truth are throwing their hats in the ring for the Sneaker Fiends United NIKE iD cage match. There ain’t nothing sexier than a shorty with a crispy pair of kicks on and a lollipop in her mouth.
The around the way shorty that has climbed in the ring is my homey TY TY (no Jigga) from Strong Island. Let’s see how hard she comes in…
Divas Air Max ’90
The Divas.
All I know is that homegirl in the red is definitely fucking.
Citrus Fire Air Max 1
Get your daily recommended dosage of Vitamin C along with some icy white snakeskin.
Yo, what it good be? I had to come on your block to give you props on the XXL joint for today, that was good food. The new format wont allow me to hit the submit button through my phone so I could not reply. I must say though, the Indians did quick work on the Yankees, so hopefully we can finish dustin off the Sox, I wasn’t even gonna speak until we had that flag, but fuck a jinx, keep doing it the Sunday way, the peanut gallery is in attendance.
Citrus Fire is the best one. Divas 08 could use more aqua. In fact, just use Jordan 8 Aquas.
Wow, I never thought I’d be on, but here I am! LOL, I agree we needed more aqua, but NIkeID wasn’t feeling me.
First comment ever, but Dallas, you already know I read.