Thinking Outside Of The Bun…

taco bell

Supremacy is good for shits and giggles when its done properly. Amos and Andy? Heeeelarious. The breaking of Kunta Kinte? Not so much. Making fun of people with different customs is the best when someone from that particular group is the one doing the jokes. RUSH LIMBAUGH talking shit about Mexicans isn’t as awesome as a Speedy Gonzalez cartoon.

BOB GRIESE had a touch of the Limbaugh vocal diarrhea when he made the televised comment that JUAN PABLO MONTOYA was “out having a taco”, in reference to MONTOYA’s standing on the NASCAR leaderboard. Because MONTOYA is a Colombian the GRIESE comment has been posited as a slight. I don’t see it that way though. If GRIESE had said that MONTOYA was eating a bandeja paisa or sniffing an ounce of fisscale that might could be considered a slight.

dumb bell

White on white crime?

Racism makes no fuckin’ sense. How is this white dude gonna be a racist to this other white dude? Just cause a guy speaks spanish are you telling me that he can’t be a white dude anymore? I wish someone would explain to me who the fux is really white and who is just passing for teh white. This means that El Gringo Colombiano is no longer a white dude. Now he’s just a Mexican like Tony’s Kansas City. Tony what up?

And what is so wrong with getting a taco? Who doesn’t enjoy the crunchy meat filled flavor of a taco? I goes apeshit for Chipotle tacos. The only way people could get upset over a taco is if they were a racist and you gave them one of those new Taco Bell black tacos, but even a virulent racist would have to admit that for $.89cents a black taco was a good deal. Racism is still fucked the fuck up, but a supremacist’s gastrointestinal system recognizes great taste and his wallet respects a great price.

Somebody get the execs from Disney and PepsiCo on the horn so we can shoot a Taco Bell black taco commercial with GRIESE and MONTOYA. Supremacy Corporate Synergy FTW.

Let us be your subversive advert agency.

taco bell

3 Responses to “Thinking Outside Of The Bun…”

  1. Amadeo says:

    Chipotle is crack. Maybe they need a chart…like indians had the caste system. Maybe a sliding scale…Mexicans are stuck though the US clearly has them in the non-white category.

  2. 1969 says:


  3. Tony Grands says:

    I had to school some kids (no literally, kids) not to long ago that every Spanish person isn’t a Mexican. Somebody’s superintendent of schools needs to step their geography class game up.

    Good drop DP, now I’m off the eat some chicken & waffles, banana now & laters & wash it down with some of that delish Watermelon soda with the jig on the can.

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