Never Trust A Big Butt And A Smile…

booty pop

Bell Biv Devoe – ‘Poison’

During the Martin Lawrence marathon I was buggin’ the fux out after I watched this infomercial for ‘Booty Pop‘ panties.

Between all the tanning salons, colagen lip implants and now fake booties Black girl bodies are getting swagger jacked to death.

I’ll take my Black girls like I’ll take my coke – raw and uncut. Ya’ deeg?!?

booty pop

26 Responses to “Never Trust A Big Butt And A Smile…”

  1. jredmond says:

    i foresee many a flat bottomed slore getting booted from the sheets for pulling this fugazi shit.

  2. john says:

    it’s like homegirl from “i’m gonna git you sucka” is now the standard bearer for this type of fuckery! why are the jokes becoming the truth!

    but kim kardashian is workin’ hers right.

  3. verses says:

    *dead* at booty pop panties and equally *dead* at that gif of dallas runnin

    *plays Labcabincalifornia for the rest of the day at work*

  4. Slumbilical says:

    Often imitated, never duplicated – u can’t fuck with the original. Black women stay winning.

  5. Ernest J. Paniccioli says:

    Speaking of fake asses, that so called “Black Man in the White House” is fronting big time and hardly anyone wants to admit their man is simply the third term of G Dubbz only with a better tan.
    Where is the revulsion, where is the outcry, where is the “MF, you promised us a new day and now the war is growing and our wallets and hope are shrinking?

  6. Tony Grands says:

    I had the awesome displeasure of dealing with a chick who rocked the booty pads, padded bra, Toni Braxton wig, & green contacts once. Or twice.

    The hotel combo was like watching a car being stripped in time lapse photography.

  7. verses says:

    Tony Grands Says:
    January 3rd, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    …was like watching a car being stripped in time lapse photography.



  8. BIGNAT says:

    “I had the awesome displeasure of dealing with a chick who rocked the booty pads, padded bra, Toni Braxton wig, & green contacts once. Or twice.”

    you see lots of women are like that and they always say they want a man to be real. i never dealt with a women with booty pads though that would be the ultimate evil. these women don’t think we feel cheated. i like my women in the morning to look like a tired version of themselves. not a totally different person but heh some guys must like that fake shit.

  9. getthesenets says:

    word life…they used to have ads for padded girdles in the back of old jet and ebony magazines…

    I’m talking early 80s…

    we did some kind of project in middle school and we had to go through old school black mags and I remember them…

    went over my head at the time as to why anybody would want a fake ass…….but I remember them…

  10. Tony Grands says:

    “I’ll take my Black girls like I’ll take my coke – raw and uncut. Ya’ deeg?!”

    “i like my women in the morning to look like a tired version of themselves”

    All these suck ass movies & degrading rap songs have their heads fucked up from a young ass age. They don’t accept themselves, & refuse to believe we would if they can’t.

    Harsh reality. That’s almost as bad as walking in on a broad bathing her wigs in the kitchen sink, like baby cats.

  11. $ykotic/Don McCaine says:

    Fake nails, hair, chest, ass, eyes, nose, lips, height(heels), personality.

    But they want a real man. C/S Nat.

    No wonder they’re alone…

  12. 6 100 says:

    Females stay winning in the “de-cept a nukka” category

    They got things they sell in your CVS’ses, Duane Readeses, and Walgreenses that mask vaginal odor and vaginal rank.

    FDS=For Disgusting Snatch

  13. Tony Grands says:

    ^^Roffles@ the “real” acronym…

    Vagine smells like vagine, no matter what type of aerosol product or backwash dispenser is used. If you get close enough to it, it all has a familiar, similar smell.

    Not to be confused with cank stoochie (word to ron mexico), which is most definitely a no-fly zone. Natural musk>>>stankin’ ass ‘tang. FDS can’t help poor hygiene, mold spores or over-worked, undermaintained poon.

  14. Jaislayer says:

    There are chicks with all types of fugazi shit going on. Hair, nails, lips, eye lashes, tittays now booty pads. I like a sexy looking woman not a sexy potato head looking chick. Women don’t wanna go thru the shit black woman go thru, but they wanna look like them & try to carry that attitude. Like my man Paul Mooney says “Everybody wanna be black until the cops come”. Peace.

  15. Polotron says:

    “They don’t accept themselves, & refuse to believe we would if they can’t.”

    That’s real talk…but are we, as dudes, doing enough? I mean for the most part, we get the chicks described to believe most of the bullshit. Why not something real? And to jredmond’s point, if you ain’t bootin’ (/not f-ing with), you’re co-signing.

  16. Tony Grands says:


    My man…I can’t speak for all dudes, but in all seriousness, I try as hard as I can. Been happily married for 7 years, so I’d say I’m doing something right. Hell, if not, she’s a bigger idiot than me.

    My wife wears very little make up, all her own hair (not own as in “here’s my receipt! Lol), I think it’s just a matter of environmental circumstance. If those feelings are manipulted enough, by outside forces, for good or “bad”, then thats the outcome.

    Cats gotta start telling their daughters & little sisters how pretty they are, really though.

  17. Polotron says:

    Grands, I wasn’t tryin to bring a brother up on charges…(on some New Year’s/Hotep) I was saying as a collective we could probably help our sisters out a more.

    “Cats gotta start telling their daughters & little sisters how pretty they are, really though.”

    Bingo. And gotta stop giving Ms. No Clues shine, just caused she’s stacked.

    Dudes gotta be dudes. But we can aspire…

  18. Tony Grands says:

    ^^Co-sign all day…

  19. getthesenets says:

    ass is the new face

  20. 6 100 says:

    In the running for “Comment of the year”

  21. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    “the little homey” Nas broke this shyt down perfectly on 2001 Stillmatic on “What Goes Around” aka “Poison”. Check Verse 2

    Sisters up in my hood try to do good given choices
    When pregnant, drop out of school or have abortions
    Stop workin hopin that they find a man that will support them
    Up late night, on they mother’s cordless
    Thinkin a perm or bleach and cream will make them better when they gorgeous
    White girls tannin, liposuction
    Fake titties are implanted, fake lips that’s life destruction
    Light-skinned women, bi-racial hateful toward themselves
    Denyin even they blood
    I don’t judge Tiger Woods but I, overstand the mental poison
    That’s even worser than drugs – yo it’s poison

  22. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    goto 1m16s in for Nasir to kick verse 2

  23. El Gringo Colombiano says:

    cosign Ernie on Obama as well.

    2 good Obama points

    1 At least Obama appoints moderate Latina woman as SC Justice who won’t reverse Roe v Wade, unlike Bush/McCain extremist rightwingnut SC Justice appointment

    2 Obama gets along well with foreign state heads, & diplomatic towards Iran. Instead of Bush/McCain needlessly “beefin” with France/Germany/Russia & tryna make up flimsy bogus excuse for Iran war

    But yeah otherwise Obama is either
    a so weak against fighting US cartel industries (investment banks, health insurance, pharma, physicians’ union, etc)
    b he is their paid Corporate Whore. By whoring out these cartels are giving him the campaign $ instead of the ReThug Corp Whores

    either way highly disappointing. Not change I can believe in.

  24. the_dallas says:

    You disappoint me man. How you gonna quota the GOAT and then forget to use a [ll] after you said that Obaama “gets along well with foreign state heads”. You invented that shit!

    You made it a hot symbol, I made it a hot movement. [ll].

  25. BIGNAT says:

    “My wife wears very little make up, all her own hair (not own as in “here’s my receipt! Lol”
    @Grands yeah you right on that women think it’s the same. i bought it now it’s mines and it’s a part of me. some women use fake hair even when they have a lot of hair already and it’s good. when i messing with this white chick a couple years ago and i was grabbing her bun. alot of hair started wrapping off of it but she still had alot of hair so it’s like why do it?
    plus another reason for fake hair and little makeup it’s not to get caught out there with one of them you knows. that is why any guy who thinks new york from vh1. the crazy black chick with all that makeup fake eyelashes fake tittes fake hair. you think she is sexy that bitch look like a drag queen. that means you would get caught out there taking home something you don’t want

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