WHEEEEEEEEEE!!! The Internets is Fun…

lil' darry

Well here I go internets fam, balls to the walls, pedal to the metal, sitting in my parents basement with no clothes on except for a pair of wool blend socks, sipping Crystal Light and Level vodka from my special cup with the crazy straw, listening to the J. DILLA tribute on the local college radio station.

Damn that’s boys good!

How happy were you when you found out that the BOONDOCKS would make it to a second season? The BOONDOCKS is almost too real for television which makes me wonder out loud why the best programming nowadays in terms of political and moral satire is always a cartoon. South Park, The Simpsons and Family Guy go to places that a network would never permit live actors to touch. The MLK Jr. episode was part sage, part genius, all hilarity. Some priveleged haters must have pulled SHARPTON’s coattails in order for him to fuss about the show, but I guess he fell back when he found out that everyone in his office watches Adult Swim at 11pm on Sundays.

jig words

Volkswagen has a brand new ad company and as usual, when people want to seem hip they stripmine urban culture for slang and idioms. VW use of phrases like “in da haus” and “straight outta da Autobahn” will prah’lee confuse consumers into thinking that the jigs from ‘Pimp My Ride’ have taken over the manufacturing. All these jig words can’t be a help for the other focus that VW is trying to achieve. A reconnection to their O.G. German roots. Anyhoo, this sounds like some phony hinterland Nazi posturing to me since the majority of VW’s are made in Mexico. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

You guys read my political rants about the Administration and you ask me what I think we should do. Here’s what I think we should do. 2008 isn’t that far off and at least he’s been The Man with The Plan.

Despite being the most over-exposed entertainer since DIANA ROSS there has been no sighting yet of pictures featuring an overexposed BeYONCE KNOWLES. You know she has got to have some nude pics out there somewhere. The KNOWLES family must have connections with the National Security Administration in order to keep those pics under wraps. You do know that the dude that purportedly impregnated BeYONCE back in her H-Town high school days has mysteriously disppeared?!? I hope that he wasn’t in or around upstate New York because he may have fallen victim to the legendary woodland beast – ASSQUATCH.


3 Responses to “WHEEEEEEEEEE!!! The Internets is Fun…”

  1. I love your site as much as anyone can love a strangers site on the internet (Pause. No Mo) but I hate the Boondocks TV show.

    I wanted the TV show to be good. I tried and tried but the shit doesnt have the wit or the insight of the comic strip.

    Its like a little kid just read the Autobio of Malcolm X and saw the Chapelle show and wants to shock white people with the word “nigga.”

    The old black janitor is by far the best thing on there.

  2. the_dallas says:

    I felt that way at first too, but they have redeemed themselves by allowing the characters to call anybody a nigga. The Rawkus character is sick. I wonder if the name is homage to that almost visionary record label.

    Don’t start hating this site because I like Boondocks and you don’t. The main thing is that we both want the truth. Definitely no brokeback to that.

  3. That's Coco ;-) says:


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