Archive for the ‘Tonys Kansas City’ Category


Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

clown tears

Good morning party people.

Here’s a little bit of WHAT THE FUCK?!? to get your morning started.

Colombia clowns killed on stage

My first question is what the fuck has happened in the history of the Colombian nation where being a circus clown is the deadliest professional vocation. Druglords aren’t getting merc’ked in Medellin as much as circus clowns are. WTF?!?


Thursday, December 21st, 2006


You kids already know TONY from TonysKansasCity Dot Com is one of my best buddies on the internets, so whenever I see a piece of news that I think he will dig I have to shout dude out. Check it…

Southern California schools are giving their students an extra week off during the holiday break. Some of the administrators have declared that since their student populations were almost exclusively Mexicano the extra time allowed families to visit relatives on the other side of the border. That’s pretty cool and politically correct at the same time. Everybody that knows anything about the culture knows that Spanish people aren’t doing shit until Three Kings Day comes and goes.

My culture is dead to me

Saturday, November 4th, 2006

Dead Man's Party

Like every other person of Mexican descent you might know, I’m here to inform you that everything you know about the Day of the Dead is wrong. No, I’m not that Ask A Mexican doofus, because I’m pretty sure that only prostitutes get paid for their ethnicity and I would never take filthy, nasty New Times money.

Also, I think it’s important to note that I’m what the Mexicans might (probably) call a “pocho” which means that I was born in the U.S. and I not only have no immediate family in the old country but also speak Spanish poorly. However, since I live in a neighborhood that’s predominantly Latino (read: Don’t major in Communication Studies kids) and most outsiders couldn’t tell the difference between me and any other mojado, I feel more than qualified to tell you everything I know about the holiday and clarify any misconceptions.

Here we go:

Dia de los Muertos started about 20 years ago when Pepe Garcia was in a slap fight with Raul Lopez. They had been carrying on a “brokeback” kind of affair which they believed was secret but everyone in their small village of Mexico City knew about . . . Upon learning that their secret was common knowledge and that no one cared, Raul threw himself in front of the nearest donkey cart and Pepe decided that he would give up on love from that day on . . . To wit, Pepe moved to Wichita, KS (illegally of course).

To celebrate the memory of the dearly departed, stereotypes dictate that you’re supposed to tell stories of the deceased or hang out at their grave site and leave sweets or liquor. However, it’s now more customary to simply look for a way to register to vote in the United States.

The traditional costumes for the holiday are skeleton masks but I hear we’re changing that to Blackface if only further aggravate relations with the African-American community and gloat that we stole all of the low end service jobs and high five the Asians who have the manufacturing jobs as we share our commonality in disparaging Black people. Sure, we may be much shorter than Black people but it puts us much closer to the ground in order to pick up crumbs.

Also, these two days of celebration provide yet another opportunity to sneak over the border, with drugs, especially if you’re a child molester. However, it’s important to note that an employer would rather give a job to a drug mule, illegal alien, child molester than a qualified Black man . . . Either that or talk radio propaganda regarding affirmative action has finally come full circle.

Finally, Dia De Los Muertos is as good of a time as any to have or make a baby. Odds are the 300 millionth person in the U.S. is a person of color and will speak English horribly but here’s hoping that he’s a pocho like me, so that our traditions (like kissing our grandmothers on the mouth before doing a drive by) will never be forgotten.