Archive for the ‘Harpers Weekly Review’ Category

Facebook Is For Fossil Ass Dinosaurs…

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

I predicted Facebook’s demise several years ago when I got my first taste of the TWitter phenomenon. Facebook was fun, but TWitter was computer crack with reckless abandon. TWitter is the global lunchroom that Facebook wants to be.

Facebook had that awesome movie, but TWitter is the movie. It’s pr0n0graphy. Now that the kids are into it I predict TWitter is going to blow the fux up. Just like that meteor what killed off the dinosaurs.

Teens Migrating To Twitter: Sometimes For Privacy

Cry Freedom…

Friday, January 27th, 2012

This documentary will shed some light on how the slavery was transferred into the modern day prison industrial complex.

Is it any wonder that more people are incarcerated in America now than were ever in bondage in American history?

Brighter Days Ahead For Russia?

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Vladimir Putin’s government is finally showing signs of aging. Russians are filling the streets by the thousands to protest their recent elections. Russia can’t afford to pop off like Egypt or Syria and just strafe the crowds of protestors, but I’m sure they want to.

Russian’s government has to think in hardbody terms because their constituents certainly do. Chechnya is quick to kidnap a school or hospital to complain about the Kremlin. Don’t think the for a minute the people of Moscow are any less official.

You can tell the Moscovites don’t really give a fux by the propaganda, er, art they produce. Shit is all rigid and repetitive.

Endangered Species…

Monday, December 5th, 2011

What is up with this jihad that God has with 42yr old fat Black men?

Heavy D, Patrice O’Neal and now Chester McGlockton?

And this isn’t even including all the 42yr old Black men who no one gives a fux about to make a press release (of which I consider myself part of the population).

Damn you obesity. I thought we was cool?


Sunday, November 20th, 2011

While my computer’s been down this past week I haven’t been able to post any info from the frontlines of AmeriKKKa’s class war that is the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Protestors sleeping in Zucotti Park were raided by police and were arrested for trespassing and other related offenses like the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now that this pandora’s box of protests has been flung wide open I wonder if we can ever go back to being a country that trampled people over flat screen TV’s? Wait!? The new iPhone is being released with an app that talks to you? My bad. Carry on capitalism.