Archive for the ‘Harpers Weekly Review’ Category


Friday, November 11th, 2011

Here’s a great article from Dave Zirin about the riots at Cal-Berkeley and Penn State and comparing the two.

Joe Paterno been should have been gone. He stopped being a great coach twenty years ago. Penn State has had winning seasons in that time but the coach isn’t creating a program which can compete on the elite Division-1 level of college football. Penn State is just Paterno’s paternal legacy and it was way past its prime.

What the hell are kids at Penn State rioting for? This old man protected one of the worst kinds of predators there are. A child molestor in the child sense, not young adults, but CHILDREN!?! People who go to Penn State are obviously dumbfux to riot because an old ass coach who been should’a sat his ass down now gets a paid retirement instead of handcuffs for aiding and abetting a serial rapist.

Caught Between A Rock And A Wall Street…

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Everyone’s comparing Occupy Wall Street to the protests in Egypt without understanding that the rich and wealthy in Egypt wanted a regime change so they posited the poor and disenfranchised directly at Mubarak. The rich and wealthy in America DON’T want a regime change over here. They want to keep the status quo popping off in their advantage.

The fact that Americans couldn’t see far enough to fight for their healthcare rights means they definitely won’t grasp that their quality of life has been undermined by our corporate overlords. They’ll continue to find these protestors anti-American or at best a nuisance. In the meantime and in between time someone better take a look at the social security fund.

What’s gonna happen when the police get their pensions pushed back? By then private security firms and ‘contractors’ will be on the job just like they made all the executive decisions in Iraq.

Smarten up NaS.


Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

I still don’t think people are getting the message right from the Occupy Wall Street protests. These kids AREN’T anti-capitalism even if some of their ranks espouse anarchy and or socialism.

The issue is simple… Until we inject some compassion into our capitalism we are going to quickly run out of people to exploit. Unfortunately, that issue doesn’t concern Wall Street bankers.

CitiBank is now requiring depositors to keep a minimum of $1500 in their accounts in order to avoid monthly maintenance fees. If I had $1500 right now I would be drunk and high as fux. I’m about to do my banking from check cashing stores.

Black Republican…

Friday, September 16th, 2011

da mayor

All kinds of people are acting like NYC could never become a Republican haven meanwhile we will have had twenty straight years of GOP mayoralty.

In this week’s election to replace Rep. Anthony Weiner’s vacated congressional seat we see a Republican winning the traditionally Democratic district. Some of the areas included in this district are Coney Island, Canarsie, Flatbush and the Rockaways. NYC’s changing demographic and normally low voter for special elections are to attribute to this power shift.

I do consider the election of Robert Turner to be a paradigm shift for local and national elections because once again we can see who has the ability to get the word out that there is a seat up for grabs. The Democratic machine shows its laziness or worse, its inability to inspire voters to take the time to cast their votes. This isn’t a good sign for the incumbent Democrats who want to regain their posts in November or in 2012.

Jackie O-Nooooo…

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

jackie o

Jacqueline Onassis might be America’s first queen. She was definitely the first First Lady to have a public reverence which was equal to and if not greater than the President. Maybe that’s a stretch, but I can remember how respectful the media had been with her during my awareness.

She was beautiful and dutiful. Now we are about to read a memoir from her which puts some of her most intimate thoughts and maybe some of the thoughts that she should have kept more intimate into the public record. She was privy to information that we can only politely call ‘sensitive’. It’s funny and sad what becomes public after someone’s death but even America’s Camelot was still just ultimately a fantasy fairytale.

I’m sorry to learn that MLK’s dalliances were dinner table discussions amongst the Kennedy clan, especially since JFK was getting it in with equal aplomb. It’s obvious now why she became such a fiercely private person after the assassination of the President. Once her world was rocked with the truth about her husband she realized she was not immune to the disease that is power and politricks.