Is that what people are really looking for? Another two hours of high couture banality with your well-preserved crew of aging tarts. I’m embarrassed and saddened that you and your lady friends became the ‘Golden Girls’ right in front of my eyes. Not that the ‘Golden Girls’ wasn’t an enjoyable program in that cliché way that sitcoms become, but why should the ‘Golden Girls’ have more “shuzzz” than your group?
It is the fault of your producers, writers and designers SARAH JESSICA. It was time to jettison that bunch of behind the scenes flunkies that have no more fire and transition to a team with more flavor than a pair of KIM CATTRALL’s crotchless panties. People want to see these old bitches wanting to have sex, or having sex and then talking about it afterwards, with the same ladies room wit that made the series worth a damn in the first place. Otherwise you should just let Disney produce these movies from now on. Instead of making a sequel to SATC how about you give Ferris Bueller whatever he wants?
I used to fuck with ‘Sex & The City’ so hardbody because I always wanted me a white as cool as those ho’s were. The only white I ever dated were always jungle fever fetish jobs who would not have given a rat’s ass that I loved comic books, cartoons and physics. Them bitches just wanted to go on a safari and do the jungle love (yes Morris Day). I could give you a safari if I wanted to, but I was tired of the safari shit. The jungle is limited in what animal you can portray. I love playing outerspace because it has no limits. Plus I always liked being an asstronutt.
What is ironic and beautiful is that my lady was raised in the center of the jungle on Halsey between Bedford and N.A. and all she likes to do is play outerspace games. My white girl is actually a Black girl with every track from Depeche Mode’s ‘Music For The Masses’ committed to memory. MFTM is so classic and so important since it was released on my birthday. Yeah, it was always all about me after all. ‘Sex & The City’ doesn’t deserve a sequel because it has no soul.
Its become masturbation as a routine. Just ask Ferris Bueller. Bueller? Bueller?