Archive for the ‘Politricks’ Category

Hip-Hop Music’s OG Martyr…

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

scott larock

Scott LaRock has been on my mind a lot recently because of the anniversary of his passing (which I hate to be reminded of for anyone) and because I have been trying to corral D-Nice to appear on the Combat Jack Show.

As everyone brings to light how bad the 1980s were for people living in the center city we almost glamorize the drug business which was shredding any remnants of the Black comm-unity. The small achievements of the civil rights movements and the Black realization(power) were being voided and nullified because Black folks still needed the government to keep the new deals in place.

As a social worker Scott LaRock was at ground zero for the new depression and trust me that the 1980s were a depression for the inner city. Television was the invention that made people think poverty had a laugh track Good Times and Welcome Back Kotter made us desensitized to being disenfranchised and undeserved. Scott LaRock saw first hand the recidivism which routinely brought people back to the shelters.

Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac have a better narrative for a Vh-1 movie or better still a feature film because their murders perpetuate the trope that there is a fratricidal war amongst African Americans. Scott LaRock’s death is the bellwether that the American dream is really a nightmare for Blacks. An educated man and an active entrepreneur and community activist cannot escape the violence that a drug-fueled society creates.

Scott LaRock is Hip-Hop’s first martyr. His death made me see the path of self-destruction that I was on and I made an about face at that point. I let Boogie Down Productions and Public Enemy be my guides to understanding the world outside of my New York City confines. As big as this city is it was incredibly insular to hiding the politricks that put crack in the community in the first place.

The 1980s was an incredible time for my enlightenment but it was also a turbulent time for many African Americans as the government systematically widened the chasm between the class with information and the masses being given disinformation. It was also a trying time for the people who would be the collateral damage of this undisclosed class warfare. If you want to remember the impact of Biggie and ‘Pac then you must also consider the man who had to be removed for Hip-Hop to easily go pop.

Rest In Power Scott LaRock

Wall Street Is The Financial Iceberg…

Monday, August 8th, 2011

new yorker

Would Wall Street have bitten the bailout hand of George Bush Jr.? PrA’li. It’s only about race to the most pedestrian observer in this clusterfuck. This is all about the consolidation of wealth.

Americans think they are wealthy because they have flat screens televisions and $500 mobile phones, but the truth is that Americans live way above their income levels and carry an individual debt load that would cripple most third world countries.

We are about to become a third world nation ourselves, or at least in our poorest precincts like Detroit, St. Louis, Kansas City and Camden. Get ready to sell off all your Nike Air Max sneakers. You are gonna need that money to buy yourself some oxygen.

Politrix3000: Playing Chicken With Our Children…

Monday, July 25th, 2011


Obaama confers with Democratic leaders on debt crisis

Obaama was undoubtedly placed in this position because the moneyholders knew that America’s check was coming due.

We aren’t just paying for the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. We are also getting the tab for the war on drugs, the war on AIDS, and the war on the poor (ongoing into perpetuity). The latest war we are getting ourselves into is the war on the middle class.

We ain’t gonna win this one.

America Needs A Hero…

Monday, July 18th, 2011


In a much simpler time Captain America was the hero that the United States needed. He was created in a laboratory to fight villains who were also made evil thru science. As a narrative for propaganda this was the perfect storm.

The vile German political military industrial complex was threatening our way of life (as we were told) and Captain America was just the man to put everything and everyone back in their place. I feel like the movie was made with the sensibilities of America in the 1940s using modern day CGI tech.

I knew Captain America kicked Nazi ass but I came to know the character as the dude who hung out with the Falcon. When John Byrne did a guest stint on the pencils I got to see the serious side of Captain America.

Cap was hardbody and he was not above killing someone to prove his point. This Baron Blood/Union Jack storyline culminates with Cap beheading Baron Blood and then watching the O.G. Union Jack die of old age. Pretty grim stuff for 10yr olds, but thankfully my old Queens neighborhood was a dumping ground for dead bodies so I wasn’t fazed.


I love the idea that Captain America’s creation was engineered by Tony Stark’s father using weaponized medicine. The same shit that was prA’li used on those poor dudes in Tuskeegee. It’s crazy to imagine how closely the comic book world resembles our own reality. Weapons manufacturers sell their shit to the highest bidder and then send in their secret agents to confiscate the arms after the checks have been cleared.

All I can say is that the Avengers movie is going to blow the hinges off the fanboy domepiece. Is a comic book revival not too far off in the making? I hope not.


Tear The Roof Off The Ceiling…

Monday, July 11th, 2011

My unborne children and their children’s children are being put up for grabs in the U.S. Govt’s high stakes game of fiscal roulette. In order to avert a U.S. default on their overleveraged debt the Congress has to pass a measure that allows the U.S. to borrow more money to pay down the existing debt.

Waitaminniit?!? Isn’t that how a ponzi scheme works? Yes, and this ponzi scheme controls all of our lives. Remember when the U.S. govt. had to bail out the bankers and the car companies and the insurance agencies and the Wall Street industrial complex? Well now who is gonna bail the U.S. govt. out?

One of our problems as a society is that we constantly repeat the same errors but still hope for a different outcome. We don’t ask the wealthy to pay their fair share of the tax burden but instead saddle these costs on to the backs of the working class. The other problem is that the working class in America is currently out of work.

Historically high rates unemployment and joblessness is being combined with historical levels of profiteering down on Wall Street. If we can’t raise the ceiling then we might better start excavating a sub-cellar. We’ll need the space down there to stash our rock bottom economy.