Caught this knit at a RL sample sale last week. By the time I got wind of the event it was the last day with only two hours left. The shit costs me $10. I also rummaged thru the aftermath and found a tie and a pair of Polo Sport golf pants (with the actual Polo Sport tags pre-RLX).
The Beacon Navajo print is one of my favorite themes from the last ten years. It just looks clean and vibrant.

The details inside the nape of this knit makes me wanna wear this shirt inside out.
The big pony is a swatch of fabric with embroidery overlaid to give the depth. This detail only appeared to me when I was taking the photos.

R.L. is the top brand for a reason. Meticulous attention is given to even the smallest of details.
The knit’s hemlines prove my point…

God is in the details
My favorite detail on this I.T. is the flag patch stitched onto the sleeve. This is enough to mandate I rock this piece in the winter with a vest on.