Archive for September, 2006


Saturday, September 23rd, 2006


YouTube is the truth.

I didn’t really know JOHN COLTRANE until an english professor of mine handed me a CD called ‘Giant Steps’ after I had written a poem about Harlem and jazz. There was an avant garde Hip-Hop party in the city called Giant Steps and they would feature live bands from time to time. Back then I was enrolled in the school of architecture at City College. The english class in creative writing was an elective I had chosen to fill my schedule. I don’t think I ever took writing seriously before that class and this professor would not be bothered with students who did not take their craft seriously. He told us a story about how JOHN COLTRANE slept with his saxophone on a chair beside him and how he was prone to wake up in the middle of the night and just begin playing the horn because he had a vision in his sleep. No longer addicted to alcohol or heroin, COLTRANE was obsessive about his music.

JOHN COLTRANE played the saxophone like his very existence depended on it. I should say that he worked his saxophone because for COLTRANE there was no play involved. Listening to him reminds me of why I have been writing my story. I recognize that my time here is limited and finite. There are so many people that I need to thank and praise for helping me realize my humanity. I’m still not sure if I will have the chance to thank them all. I will use my writing as my gift from AUM to give thanks for this life I have lived.


Saturday, September 23rd, 2006


Respecting the genius of the man JOHN COLTRANE all day today. Cleaning my apartment and thinking about what the future holds for the kid that refuses to grow old.

‘Naima’ is a tribute to his wife. He loved and appreciated the woman who saw him through the demons of drug addiction, alcoholism and depression. She understood his mission was that he was a messenger from the one who has no name and many names. The lifebringer to the universe. Dig COLTRANE and respect his grind.



Saturday, September 23rd, 2006

night 'trane

80 years young today.

The COLTRANE Festival is on and popping at Columbia University’s WKCR 89.9fm (NYC)

Internets geeks can stream the audio from here.

Happy 45th Birthday J.D.!

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006



Thursday, September 21st, 2006


NYC’s #1 dance party jumps off again at a movie theater!?!

That’s right party people, FREEDOM FRIDAY is back to give your body and soles the groove that they have been missing. Their new home, TriBeCa Cinemas, is spacious and relaxing. There are two seperate levels for dancing and lounging as well as a movie theater which will play some of your favorite classics from ‘Star Wars’ to ‘The Last Dragon’.

The best part about FREEDOM’s new digs is that the old price points are still in full effect. This means that when you say the name ‘DALLAS PENN‘ to the cashier, ladies will pay only $5 and fellas only have to pony up $7. Doors crack at 10pm and there will be an open vodka bar from 10pm until midnite.

The bigger news than FREEDOM moving is that they are now rolling with politcial pimp KEVIN POWELL. This means that the ladies will be mostly from the ‘Talented Tenth‘ and there may even be a BeYonce or Solange sighting up in that piece. Stay tuned…

TriBeCa Cinemas
54 Varick Street
(one block south of Canal Street)
for more info/RSVP – 212.767.9174