Archive for March, 2008

MOBLOGIC.TV Does The Math On Iraq

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008


China Is Bootlegging U.S. To Death…

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008


The latest case of China’s ability to reverse engineer anything on the planet involves the manufacturing of the blood anti-coagulant Heparin. How appropriate is the irony that fake blood is also being made in China?

This Heparin shit is for people who need their blood thinned because they have vascular issues. The product is normally made from the mucous tissues inside of pig intestines and cow lungs. In an added twist of fate, pigshit saves human lives.

There has been a move to totally synthesize Heparin because the current quality controls for its production are lacking. With rural pig farms in China being the main source of the raw materials you might imagine how a few batchs could be fucked the fuck up. U.S. companies began outsourcing China for their Heparin production when pigfarms in the states and Canada were insufficient.

I know I seemed to accuse China of being the driving force in this game of counterfeit blood Russian roulette, but it is really American-owned pharmaceutical companies who use Asia as their manufacturing headquarters because of the overall deregulations on industry. The end result is that a few of us will be killed by the lax manufacturing restrictions and our politicians will rail against the Chinese government.

Meanwhile, American companies continue to rush to Asia for the labor and production of all the crap that we are sold in Macy’s, BestBuy, Target, Wal-Mart and even in our hospitals. Start thinking of hospital treatments as consumer products. Insurance and pharmaceutical companies already do.


Friday, March 21st, 2008

aj wright

I am fucking with A.J. Wright something serious right now. The economy is still fucked the fuck up and I can’t afford to be buying shit at MSRP. Otherwise known as manufacturer’s suggested retail price. A.J. Wright is selling shit far below MSRP. These niggas damn near have thrift store prices. Take a look at the Air Tech Challenge Retro selling for a cool thirty cents.

aj wright

Their prices are so crazy I even considered copping these Dominican dancehall specials for when I wear my MC Hammer slacks and do the bachata. $11 yucks sonn! Yeah, I know, this would have been wild puerto rican Mexican of me to rock these, but c’mon… $11 NIGGA!

aj wright

Mi swagger es muy fantastico


Friday, March 21st, 2008


“Champale: Place your middle-class aspirations on ice.”

Getting My Grizzly Swagger Back…

Thursday, March 20th, 2008


Yo Diesel,

You feel like going to the Garden 2nite?

I’m trying to get floor seats after halftime (no NaSir Jones).

Memphis (no Calipari).