The internets cup overfloweth with Sean Mandela music.
Here’s a link to the J-Love mixtape titled Sean Price: Grown Man Rap
Get it while it’s good and get your grown man rap right. No jacket required.
The internets cup overfloweth with Sean Mandela music.
Here’s a link to the J-Love mixtape titled Sean Price: Grown Man Rap
Get it while it’s good and get your grown man rap right. No jacket required.
Damn, it’s been YEARS since we did a B & J report on this page. Back then I thought I cared about these two. Well I care, but I thought I gave a fux. I do not. However, this news of BeYonce’s pregnancy shut dddddown the internets. Why should I be immune?
Here’s a rapfan / conspiracy theorist opinion on what the seed of the two most prominent Blackinati entertainers shall yield the world…
BeYonce is like the virgin Mary, despite having aborted a child back in her Texas hoodrat days. Notwithstanding, BeYonce uses God to describe her daily experiences so much I thought she would go directly into pastoring when this last album bricked. What I didn’t give her credit for is all the pastoring she has been doing up to this point. You see the blonde lacefront weave explosion happening in the Black community? That’s all BeYonce right there.
Jay-Z is considered a god to his most ardent fans. The idea that he made his money from selling drugs to his own neighbors is accepted as necessary and proper even as we might see the deaths from a hurricane or tornado as the collateral damage from God’s grace. God gives, so God must also take away. The ethical issue I always had with the Jay-Z hustler character was that I come from the era where hustlers hung out on 3rd Ave in the East 50s. These clean shaven Black boys would hop in the whips of ad agency execs and get taken across the 59th Street Bridge to points east just to put baby powder on the nuttsachs of old white men [ll].
The progeny of these two people who have given every ounce of their souls to reach the pinnacle of the entertainment industry apparatus will be a revelation. The world as we know it ends in 2012.
So basically I spent my weekend behind the computer on the editing console fuxing around and the what not. Since ‘No Church’ is my favorite single off the #WTT album I figured I’d do what I do as far as making a visual component for the track.
There’ll be more than enough discussion of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s pregnancy this Monday. It’s the cycle of life. This fanboy video to No Church In The Wild is also about the cycle of life, the end part of the cycle tho’. You can’t have the alpha without the omega.
Don’t be surprised when I take my stills from my France jaunts in 2001 and 2006 and make a clip for ‘Niggas In Paris’. Internets so hard motherfuxers wanna fine me, but first they gotta find me.
The Throne – ‘No Church In The Wild’ from dallas penn on Vimeo.
Back to the future Bo Jackson swag…
The Nike Air Trainer Huarache was a dope shoe when it first dropped almost twenty years ago. They still go hard when the upper has nubucks and suedes all over it.