Archive for the ‘HUFF YOU!’ Category

Barack Obama Takes Us Back Into The Future…

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

wayne obama

WNYC’s ‘Its A Free Country’ blogsite has my post-State of the Union thoughts. As if you give a fux for politricks.

Shouts to Brian Lehrer and the whole WNYC crew. Chea!

Barack Obama Takes Us Back Into The Future

Get Legislation, Or Die Tryin’…

Friday, January 21st, 2011


Rep. Gabrielle Giffords leaves hospital for rehab.

Was this too soon?


It’s A Free Country…

Friday, January 14th, 2011


Check out my new column at the WNYC blogsite…

Dallas Penn Can Save America


Real Life Spooks Get Spanked…

Monday, January 10th, 2011


Our good friend, and erstwhile sneaker culture curmudgeon, ERNIE PANICCIOLI will be hosting a radio show on PWRN (People’s World Radio Network). One of his first shows will feature SAM GREENLEE as a guest. Aside from writing ‘The Spook Who Sat By The Door’ GREENLEE has an extensive resume. It should be a great show.

In other news, JEFFERY STERLING, a former CIA official was arrested last week and charged with leaking sensitive information to a NYTimes reporter back in 2002. The documents described CIA involvement with Iran and the weapons programme being developed in that country. This disclosure set off major alarms in the Bush White House and Condoleeza Rice had to make a call to the NYTimes to have the story killed.

STERLING was another spook who sat by the door and he is lucky that he hasn’t been killed yet. They’ll get him soon enough tho’.

Wall Street Is An Inside Job…

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

wall street

This documentary ‘Inside Job‘ will have you sick to your brain. Do you realize the kind of world we live in where a tiny group of people is literally robbing the entire world in plain sight? But that is how they have the game set up.

America: Why R Your Peeps So Dum?

Sadly, there is NOTHING you or I can do. We are fuxed the fux up. Everyone who you thought might could have saved us is in on the racket. If I didn’t like shopping as much as I do suicide would be a favorable option to being around when this shit all falls down.