Archive for the ‘HUFF YOU!’ Category

The Banking Clan Runs The Universe…

Monday, December 13th, 2010

imerial advisors

Watching the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network always gives me insight into the geo-political scene we are experiencing here in real-time America. The Banking Clan provided funding to the Republic as well as the Sepratists during the battle for the Old Republic.

I also wonder if the Banking Clan weren’t the ones who held the secrets to the Sith history that Chancellor Palpatine was so desperate to secure? I know that members of the Banking Clan ended up being part of the Emperor’s advisory board. How else do you think he raised the galactic credits to build that second Death Star? Even for bad guys shit cost money.

The Banking Clan stayed paid in full by coercing the Old Republic to take out loans to bolster their military industrial complex. The plan was to stage an attack on Coruscant from the Sepratisits that would frighten the Republic senators into voting for deregulation of the banking system. Deregulation meant that the banks could charge any rate of interest they wanted on emergency loans they issued.

How hardbody was the Banking Clan’s scheme? Our Fed Reserve should take notes on how they deal with our banking industry. That Star Wars plan is way more sexier, and straightforward ruthless than Quantitative Easing.

Julian Assange, Kill Yo’ Self!

Monday, December 6th, 2010


Why does the founder of WikiLeaks think that the American people even give a fux about our wayward politicians and govenrment leaders? Assange must be Australian for asshole. Doesn’t this man know that it is the season for wanton consumption here in America? No one wants to consider the fact that we are being flat lied to our faces by the nightly news. We just want to buy a flatscreen tv to watch the nightly news.

Julian Assange might should just kill himself at this point. He’s embarrassed people with memories as long as their money. Nothing is more dangerous than a white woman scorned. Just ask KanYe West about Taylor Swift. No one else is going to remember the info divulged in the leaked cables or errant missives that the WikiLeaks site has published. We are too far gone at this point. Embrace the hell in a European designer handbasket that America has become. It won’t get any better.

Giving The People Raygun (Reagan) Reality…

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010


The grooming of Sarah Palin for the 2012 presidential election is a primetime television event. Sarah Palin’s Alaska debuted on the Learning Channel last weekend to a ratings bonanza. Were you tuned in? If you weren’t then someone you know was.

Reagan Republican’s should be rejoicing right now. He started this movement of matinee idol television star politicians. Sarah Palin is the next level. If Reagan looked this good he might still be president. Since when has being a corpse stopped the American people from following someone?

*cues Elvis*

**Tupac appears**

Vote Or Lie…

Friday, November 5th, 2010

poll tax

Internets, I cannot tell a lie.

I did not go to the polling station on Tuesday.


Because Americans are crazy.

There isn’t a difference anymore from a Conservative or a Liberal, a Democrat or Republican. Everyone is selfishly and self-righteously insane.

That is the lesson I take from the John Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally to restore sanity and/or keep fear alive.

Shouts to the Huffington Post tho’ for paying for my round trip to D.C.

A Message From Ernie Paniccioli…

Monday, November 1st, 2010


I keep my friend Ernie Paniccioli at bay by constantly posting pictures of sneakers on this site since they are like Kryptonite to him, but obviously something must be on his mind for him to e-mail me directly…

Dallas, In my 63 years on this planet I have never seen a stronger video than this.

It describes the theft of 9 Trillion (with a t) dollars and no one goes to jail.

If this were really a nation of laws and Democracy both Obama and both houses of Congress would be sent right to jail.

Instead the media and the voting population are focused on Lady Gaga, Gay marriage, witches running for office, rent is too damn high and who’s zooming who.

And the saddest part is many so-called “Activists” are e-mailing me and reminding me to vote.

This video makes Bernard Madoff look like a piker.

Peace, Ernie

P.S. I hope you have the testicular fortitude to post it.

[ll] to my own testicular fortitude. And I still endorse the political process to my friends. Let them know you are out here even if the process is an elephant and jackass show.