Archive for April, 2006


Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

I watch this video twice a week. It’s that good.


Monday, April 24th, 2006


So I am at my kid brother’s crib puffing on that CHEECH & CHONG when he shows me this secret screen inside the ‘Grand Theft Auto’ videogame.


Well blow my dick with a rubber doll! I didn’t know that you can get points on this game for killing and raping hookers. Alright, I knew it, but I never saw it done. If I were a defense attorney for one of those rapists from the Duke University lacrosse team I would be blaming everything that happened that night on this video game(and rap music).


Holy guacomole, after you have had sex with the hooker you can beat her to death and get your money back. If any of you ladies wonder why your young kids have no respect for you when you aren’t buying them shit you need to look no further than the games that he plays on the PS2 console that you bought for him.


BILLY SUNDAY Argues For More Mexicans

Monday, April 24th, 2006


I apologize to everyone that has been waiting for me to weigh in on this topic. I know that some of you look to me for clarity on political socio-economic issues like these before you decide whether or not to protest at your local bodega or supermercado.

The subject of immigration and its legality has been pushed forth in Beltway political discussions because the people that work for us in D.C. are basically cowards. These men (and women) have been scarce to rail against the invasion of personal rights and professional accountability that the White House flaunts with reckless abandon. Instead they have chosen a more vague and misrepresented issue for which to bang their fists upon the polished cherrywood desks. Immigration has been broadcast largely as an issue that involves primarily Mexicans. This is a gross misrepresentation, similiar to the notion that Blacks occupy the majority of this nations welfare rolls. It just isn’t the case if you look at the sheer numbers, but that isn’t the agenda of the mainstream media. Here’s the truth about immigration, let’s see if you can handle it.

The United States is a country of which more than 95% of her population are immigrants. The only people that were here before we called this place the U.S. of A. are mostly gambling alcoholics. The rest of us can trace our ancestral heritage to another place (usually Germany). Blacks don’t generally have that luxury so they have to say Africa when asked of their ‘country’ of origin. As a continent, Europe dominates the immigration statistics for the United States placing 12 out of the top 15 slots for overall population numbers.

The issue of immigration is focused on Mexican peoples because they don’t desire to assimilate themselves fully into our capitalistic culture. Mexican peoples are traditionally part of a communal culture that seeks to share resources within their community. This sharing of resouces is actually the basis for communism. There is no greater enemy to capitalism than a working model of shared community values. Blacks and whites have hyper-assimilated themselves to the gospel of capitalism which is to get rich or die trying. To this end we are placed at odds with a group of people that doesn’t believe that the elderly should be discarded, that children are edible, that women are simply fetish objects. Until the Mexicans fully assimilate American values they will not be accepted as U.S. residents.

Here’s what Mexicans should do to become more American and have their immigration to the U.S. accepted as readily as those that come from Europe and other continents…
1) Eat their children
2) Kill the elderly
3) Buy shit that they don’t need
4) Listen to Coldplay, 50Cent
5) Renounce their love for communism (i.e. stop sharing apartment space/food with relatives)

This is a relatively short list but it will bring Mexicans a great measure of social status as they will leapfrog African Americans for the position as U.S. second class denizens. The American Black has long since established themselves for this caste and I have no doubt, especially when I listen to Houston rap music, that they would like to remain there by themselves.

X-MEN 3: The Last Stand

Sunday, April 23rd, 2006

byrne xmen

Only one more month ’til the final X-MEN movie drops. Nerds stand up!


Sunday, April 23rd, 2006

new kidz

True story is that some of these folks have held down their block on the internets longer than DP dot com, but I just got tuned into their sites so they are kind of new to me. They are all listed on my blogroll, but if you are short on time here is the skinny on why I am checking for these sites.

– The veteran of this group is led by JEROME BAKER. This site covers everything that the hip-hop movement should know about. Music, entertainment, fashion and the internets down-low(no brokeback) info. It makes you smarter like staying at a Holiday Inn Express.

CONCRETE LOOP – Far from rookie status, C.L. is one of the internets M.V.P.’s. I steal her celebrity pictures often because of their quality and resolution. The LOOP just revamped their site something major. The new site uploads quicker and she posts new items several times daily so if you need a fix on celebrity gossip this site will be your red top crack vial.

PATTYOPOLIS – One part of the West Coast Blogging Hotties cartel. PATTY loves to engage her readers on a personal and humorous level. She will openly discuss a bad date and include some embarrassing details and then ask the reader to recount their own miscues in love and life. It’s a dope technique for bringing people out of their respective closets (no BB for me, closets are for all my clothes).

MODEL MINORITY – How about a blog site that dissects all kinds of topics from rap music to racism? How about a site that is written from a female perspective? A few weeks ago I asked the folks at Model Minority what was up with the picture of Hottentot Venus in their sites header. The lead writer answered with a post about the story of Hottentot Venus and her modern day reincarnation, BUFFIE the Body. Good shit.

BRONX RAP dot com – BR dot C is a true internets rookie. In only a few months on the web I have seen some dope vintage music videos from PETE ROCK and the D.I.T.C. crew. I hope that he keeps up the good work and keeps raiding the YouTube archives. He also laced me with the KARINNE ‘SUPERHEAD’ STEFFANS p0nro flick. Nah’Mean?!?

AMADEO SOGNI – Another veteran that I just got up on (no brokeback, as always). AMADEO approaches serious discourse about love and social isues. Of late he has fashioned a few lists that beg your time. Because of him I was inspired to go get a haircut and groom myself better.

– Check this brother’s site A.S.A.P. Homeboy has a good musicology sensibility as it relates to the past, present and future. Not too many cats in the game are still giving shine to BILL WITHERS and DONNIE HATHAWAY. This dude could be ‘Rookie of the Year’.