Archive for December, 2008

$aving Face$…

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

son of santa

Some lady coughed up wild stacks to have a new face transplanted on top of her mug.

DP does it for a whole lot less…

son of santa


Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

black pete

Shouts go out today to Zwarte Piet as the Dutch would call him. Zwarte Piet a/k/a Black Pete is the Black dude that used to roll thick with this old cat named Sinter Klaas and during Festivus would be kidnapping all the bad boys and bad girls(no Diddy and Cassie) and selling them off as chattel.

For Christmas Zwarte Piet would give presents to the good kids, but the naughty ones would get spirited away and presumably raped by Sinter Klaas, who we all know was a pedophile, and a peep freak for watching little girls when they went potty.

This fairytale is partly how the Dutch maintained their hegemony on supremacy by packaging racism and terrorism to little children. Imagine how some of these same Dutch kids feel the first time they see a real live Black person?

Can you blame these Dutch niggas for trying to kill Blacks when they get older? Who the hell wants to be stuffed in a duffle bag on some Brothers Grimm shit and cooked and eaten?

The Black boogeyman is supremacy’s perpetual form of terrorism and when you burn this image into a child’s brain it will remain with them forever.

black pete

black pete

zwarte piet Zwarte Piet says…

Merry Christmas bitches!?!


Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

tears of a clone

The tears of a clone…

One of the numbers missing from the tally of U.S. servicemen that have perished in Iraq and Afghanistan is the number of soldiers that have committed suicide. Between those on active duty and those that have returned stateside we are looking at numbers like never before. I would say that this is an epidemic but that statement is superseded by all the other epidemics that we die from here in America.

Namely poverty. This has to be the number one preventable disease across the globe.

When you read the stories of the soldiers that are returning home without employment prospects and without skills that translate into post-millenial capitalism I am reminded of the story that my dad told me about returning home from Vietnam right after MLK Jr. was shot dead. This country was no place for the soldier that had lofty ideals of truth and justice. There was only madness here. Insanity and greed.

And just like the battlefield, you weren’t sure who your enemies were.

The stories that my dad told me make me feel sorry for the soldiers in our military forces. How do we look them in the eye and pretend to understand the things they feel about the things they have seen. Words are so fucking cheap. Everything is cheap. Like a dollar store toy section. Life is cheap. I hate feeling so poor and powerless as I do now.

I wish that all the U.S. soldiers could be with their families right now.

Who Will Be Left Holding The Bag?

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008


Madoff?!? You gott damn right!

I am still loving the fact that this dude’s name is Made Off.

One of the sons of the disgraced stock swindler was spotted on a shopping spree in NYC’s SoHo district.

Kudos to the lady friend with the KidRobot bag.

Someone is getting hooked the fuck up for the holidays.

It turns out that MADOFF’s shopping partner isn’t his wife after all. That chick filed for divorce the same day his dad was put in cuffs. This other lady is some office twat he uses to carry his weed. Don’t be surprised either if MADOFF has her carrying some of that stolen cash in her asscrack.

If I ran one of the charities that the MADOFF clan bilked I would make sure that those expensive Japanese toys were on their way to feed some hungry orphans or some shit.

*crosses fingers and toes that his pension fund didn’t invest with MADOFF*

Not For Long: It’s A Wrap!

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008




Do not sleep on the Patriots in the post-season. And don’t sleep on dudes who drink too much beer. The guy is a wrap. Just like the 2008 season.

I don’t say this to jinx the current pool leaders who have proven their mettle in this grueling four month iron man marathon called the National Football League season. I appreciate all the time that the poolers invested into putting their respective teams on top. There can only be one though. While the tenth place team (Ernest Borgnine’s Nude Photos) is technically still in the contest I believe that the race is only built now for the top three teams.

1 Onyeocha 127
2 Big Rils 123
2 Playing with My Farvewood 123
4 Roman 119
5 The DubbleUps 117
6 BXpittFAN 114
7 YourMomMadeMyPicks 113
8 Goliano 112
8 The Wall 112
10 Ernest Borgnine’s Nude Photos 111

I am considering a playoff pool similar to the one we ran last year. I haven’t decided yet if there will be a prize though. Maybe just the thrill of the win is all I will be giving away. In any case, thanks to all of you that stuck this thing out. I have a DP Dot Com prize pack for the pooler(s) that had the single best week. Chea!