Archive for January, 2009


Sunday, January 18th, 2009

guitar hero

My homey NIK from Australia sends us some pics of one of the newest acquisitions to his collection.

I called these joints the ‘Guitar Hero’ Terminators for obvious reasons.

These joints are definitely rock star ready.

guitar hero

guitar hero

guitar hero

guitar hero

The Holocaust In Gaza…

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

hollow man

It seems that history is always on some playback machine. When maybe it took humanity a few millennia to repeat their insanity, technology now helps us relive our madness within the same generation.

You have heard a lot lately about the Gaza region in the middle east, but do you really understand what the area is used for? I will be honest and tell you that I did not fully understand the logistics and politics that Gaza exists within.

The following article was posted in AlterNet and it goes into clarifying the realities of the war being fought in Gaza. The future of humanity is grim because the mighty and powerful will continue to steal land and resources as they desire and the poor will react to the aggression.

It was only 60 years ago that the world experienced the shoah in Europe that was sponsored by the German government. Is there a sense of irony or is it destiny that the relocated Germans who are running the government of Israel have put another shoah in place? Wash, rinse and repeat.

Gaza Is a Concentration Camp






If you can stand to witness these images and you would like to see more contrast/comparison pictures visit the Blu Cheez Gaza 2009 gallery.
*EXTREMELY graphic content*

School’s Out In Gaza…

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

gaza baby

Some of the schoolkids in Gaza lucked out and got to go on vacation early.

Too bad for some of these kids it was a permanent vacation.

gaza baby

gaza baby

gaza baby

gaza baby

gaza baby


Friday, January 16th, 2009


Enjoy the start of your weekend with the sample sources of some of Hip-Hop’s greatest hits.

If you are going out to see the B.I.G. biopic pease make sure to turn off your cellphones.

Axis Of Evil (Revised)

Friday, January 16th, 2009


Now that birds are widely recognized for taking down airliners I was thinking that G DUBBZ would make his last official act while in office to place these waterfowl on the “axis of evil” terrorism watch list.

This way we can start profiling these dangerous, life threatening birds like we already do the Blacks and arabs…


Canadian Geese
Don’t get it twisted into thinking that Canada loves our democracy so much. Canadian geese don’t. You know they are not a freedom loving flock when they tried to get all Heavens Gate on that U.S. Airways jet.


I feel like the mallards are like the equivalent of the Jordanians or the Syrians because you know they harbor terrorists in their flock but due to their historical connection to us (Donald Duck, Daffy) we let them get a pass.


The pheasants are definitely the Palestinians of the bird species. They are just annoying and bothersome. They will all be dead eventually.


Seagulls have been a problem since way back. Where do you think the phrase ‘Keeping it gully’ originated? The seagulls would have to be like the Ethiopians/Somalians/Egyptians/Kushites of the waterfowl game. They been around forever and they ain’t going no where no matter what we do.