The pic above has been circulating around the internets (TWitter actually) as the latest tattoo that Crooked I is sporting. I hope that isn’t the homey Crooked’s arm not because tattoos are so 1999 but because slaughter is spelled ‘slaugter’ and there is no excuse for that. Sure SlaughterHouse is dope as fuck and if you are into getting tats then by all means partake, but do a spell check first before you put some shit on your shit. Your arm isn’t a gotdamn blog.
I’ve heard mention that the terrestrial radio station SHot97 has been playing a SlaughterHouse track. That is fucking great news. I’m glad that E-1 is squeezing off some paper for this project. Lord knows they should have some dollars to soend since they moved their offices back into the basement of Alan Grunblatt’s parents house on Long Island. Moving back into my parent’s basement was a good look for me 10 years ago. I helped me sober up and save some bucks.
I wonder what the touring schedule will be to support the album? I can see SlaughterHouse doing engagements where they split themselves into two man teams to optimize their effect. Royce-Budden, Budden-Ortiz, Ortiz-Crooked and various combinations. SlaughterHouse will be copied sloppily if their formula makes a dent in the industry. Artists especially will look to form supergroups. It makes more sense for doing shows when artists share their respective fanbases.
I thought I was going to find the SlaughterHouse debut on the web this weekend. I’m glad I didn’t though. Maybe E-1 can keep the lid on it until a week before the scheduled due date? I know that if Def Jam with all their security and secretiveness can’t protect their own releases then E-1 doesn’t stand too much of a chance from the digital pirates on the internets. Even with the downloading of this album I will predict that the project eclipses 150K in it’s first week.
In our current music industry climate 300K is the new platinum so going gold in your first week is nothing to be mad at. The real indicator for the strength of a product has been the third and fourth week sales numbers. Projects can sail on buzz for the first two weeks and then fail quickly afterwards. I hope that the SlaughterHouse collective is up to the task of going hard and long [ll] to promote this album. That is how they will win.
Not with Joe Budden drawing the ire of any more rappers.
And not with misspelled tattoos.