Archive for August, 2009

Access >>> Acquisition…

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009


Live blogging for that anus McManus!

This drop was gonna be about the notion that music just has to be available to satisfy the masses. People no longer want to fill their hard drives up with the shit. As long as they can stream it from a website they won’t even download it.

I like this idea. I can’t tell you how often I will decline to review some shit if it isn’t on zShare. And then after I hear it on zShare several times I may not even download it.

I need my external hard drive space for pr0n and comicbook .pdf files.

What the recording industry should be doing with its last gasps of air and financial resources is to buy a T-shirt factory.


Thank You Internets!

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009


I haven’t been as active on this site for the past few days because I’ve been transfixed on the photostream of the 13th Witness.

I’ve always been a huge fan of photography because it deals with some of my favorite subjects in every frame.

History and movement.

The frame represented a specific range of time and within that range it describes whatever the light gave to the lens.

The 13th Witness has been teaching himself how to manipulate an HDR camera and the results are quite often breathtaking. I’ve captured just a few of my favorite images.





The shots from the NYC subway system are equally stunning because the movement and the structure of the underground system are both on display.

Like I said to you earlier. I have been looking at these pics for days.





And of course you might imagine what the image was which led me to this artists’ incredible work?

Yep. Sneaker Fiends Unite!


The Sweetest Supremacy…

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009


All this talk about what is, and what is not racism has whet my appetite for some good ol’ fashioned supremacy programming (read: cartoons). Animation is the OG form of socialization through stereotypical propaganda. Leave it to Cartoon Network to be the vanguard for the counterprogramming, or at least the equal opportunity of race offenders.

Have you tuned in to Adult Swim’s SquidBillies yet? It might be the funniest show on television second only to Curb Your Enthusiasm. SquidBillies makes me laugh out my face. The main characters are bigoted squids. They call white people “chalkies”. SquidBillies could only be made by someone very drunk, or very high, or very both.

Then there is the Minoriteam. This shit is reeeeeederkulous. It only lasted one season because it was too smart and too pointed. One of the superpowers of the Black character was to be able to charm the pants off of white women. Yes, the shit is filled with the stereotypes that minority people have railed against and in this show it is those stereotypes that have become the superpowers of the lead characters.

Racism only poisons those that recognize it and try to use it to their advantage but we all knew that already. Unfortunately, racists don’t watch enoough cartoons so that can’t know that we are laughing at them. One day in the future the aliens or the robots or a combination of the two wrest control of this planet from the racists I hope they have a sense of humor and put Minoriteam back on the air. Word to Balactus.

Who Did It Better?

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

ye tudda

kanYe West for Louis Vuitton or…

Game Rebellion for life!


Lucky 7…

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

lucky 7

I wasn’t really happy with the last podcast after I listened to it. There was too much stuttering and slurring of my speech. Y’all deserve better than that. I deserve to put better work into the cipher than that.

Podcast #7 isn’t as long but I think it’s twice as strong. Let’s hope thats what she’ll say…

Oh and yeah, fux the Yankees.