Dude is definitely crazy, but that begs the question why no one wanted to act on this fact until the murder spree?
When a Black kid gets the crazy tag in kindergarten he is then put into the special ed classes that stymie his development until he drops out of school. After that he gets sent to prison for the rest of his teenage years for selling marijuana and then returns to prison early in his adulthood for felony larceny or other drug convictions.
The Black kid doesn’t have the support network that would allow him to shoot a Congresswoman from point blank range like Jared Lee Loughner had. The Black kid is institutionalized way sooner than this kid and the chances are the Black kid is way saner. At every turn of Jared Lee Loughner’s development when it was obvious that the dude needed help people just passed him off to his parents.
The argument shouldn’t be about which talking head incited this unstable kid to commit mass murder. The discussion needs to be about who saw that crazy look in this boy’s eyes and then looked away in the hopes that someone else would deal with the problem.