Editor’s note: Never forger. NEVER FORGET
Shouts go out today to Zwarte Piet as the Dutch would call him. Zwarte Piet a/k/a Black Pete is the Black dude that used to roll thick with this old cat named Sinter Klaas and during Festivus would be kidnapping all the bad boys and bad girls(no Diddy and Cassie) and selling them off as chattel.
For Christmas Zwarte Piet would give presents to the good kids, but the naughty ones would get spirited away and presumably raped by Sinter Klaas, who we all know was a pedophile, and a peep freak for watching little girls when they went potty.
This fairytale is partly how the Dutch maintained their hegemony on supremacy by packaging racism and terrorism to little children. Imagine how some of these same Dutch kids feel the first time they see a real live Black person?
Can you blame these Dutch niggas for trying to kill Blacks when they get older? Who the hell wants to be stuffed in a duffle bag on some Brothers Grimm shit and cooked and eaten?
The Black boogeyman is supremacy’s perpetual form of terrorism and when you burn this image into a child’s brain it will remain with them forever.