Archive for July, 2008

POLITRICKS 2008: Life Imitating Reality Imitating Politics…

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008


I don’t dare say shit sideways about Brother KEVIN POWELL, lest I have an army of women in the entertainment industry blackball me for life and block all my forthcoming projects.

I’m not even going to push back on KEVIN POWELL’s candidacy for U.S. Congress. He is correct when he says that EDOLPHUS TOWNS should vacate his Congressional seat because of the lack of improvement of the lives of his longtime Brooklyn constituents, but doesn’t CHARLES RANGEL also need to retire from his post since the area in Manhattan that he presides over still has all the ills of poverty for the longtime residents living there?

KEVIN POWELL just doesn’t go deep enough. He can quote rap lyrics when he delivers his speeches and for some people that represents an authenticity and street credibility. To me that just says that he has listened to a few rap songs.

*shrugs shoulders*

If being able to rap was a qualifier for the African American politician of the future I have a candidate in mind that would serve New York better than KEVIN POWELL…

heather b


And why not?

HEATHER B. has the same ‘Real World’ pedigree as KEVIN POWELL. Sheeeeeit, they were both in the same season.

As for rap music, HEATHER B. was also affiliated with Boogie Down Productions. She released music that was about community building and anti-gun violence. Plus, she is a woman.

I would trust a Black woman politician way before I trust a Black man. I will even go so far as to say that if OPRAH were to become a politician then I would start watching her show. As it stands, OPRAH makes far too much money to get her hands dirty as a public servant, but if OPRAH’s husband GAYLE KING was to go into politics I would support her too.

KEVIN POWELL is part of the new politicos who know well enough to NOT get married. I have been to POWELL fundraisers and coat drives and parties and all I have to say is that he brings out more grey-green eyed lightskint ladies than a little bit. Lightskinded women that be so fine that you almost want to put them up there with a white woman. Almost. I’m just so tired of male politicians who fall from grace chasing the kooty cat. KEVIN POWELL’s constituency is way too fine for him to avoid getting caught up in a scandal.

I haven’t been to any HEATHER B. parties and frankly I don’t care to go to any since they might be populated with carpet munchers who wear lipstick. Honestly, I could care less who HEATHER B. schtups on her free time. Women that are about their political business don’t let sex get in the way. HEATHER B. may not go platinum but at least she keeps her pickle in her pants. That gets my vote.

Plastic Squirtguns In NYC (no Thoreauly77)…

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008


Killer comes to NYC!

Sept 8th – Sept 29th

Signup deadline is August 29th

Get more info here…

War Is Ghey…

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008


Sports are teh ghey. They just are. No big deal. We understand this and we choose to leave sexuality away from the discussion. It doesn’t seem to have any adverse effects on the outcome of the contests. War is also teh ghey. And that teh gheyness DOES have a negative promotion to the resultant and the remainder.

300 was a great film about war, better than even ‘The Big Red 1’ and ‘Platoon’. 300 was almost as good as ‘Apocalypse Now’, and almost as ghey as gay porn. War is faggoty fuckery. Shouts (shots?) to Plastic Squirtguns.

Women on the battlefield face the added dangers of sexual assault. I wonder if Joan of Arc had to deal with this shit?

If you needed any more proof to teh gheyness of war then I suggest you review these graphs made from Department of Defense statistics…

ap stats

United States Marine Corps. = NO SNITCHING

The deep blue bar above represents the survey of respondents from the Marines. In essence, it is the people who were willing to report these assaults. The cult(ure) of the Marines is not one that takes lightly to members speaking outside of the group. You see what happened to PAT TILLMAN’s ass [ll]?

ap stats

DP > Double Penetration
These graphs were just as disturbing as the first and they break down the sexual assaults across gender lines. Yeah, women stay getting their asses reamed, but the men aren’t too far behind. This is an equality that I can do without.

The Last Real Nigga Alive…

Monday, July 21st, 2008


In the music industry…

There’s gonna be some noise tomorrow about how many units that NaS did, or did not sell in the first week of his latest CD’s release. There’s certainly no way that he will have sold the billion albums that Lil’ Wang pushed out. This is by no means indicative of NaS’ greatness. I consider NaS the greatest rapper of our generation because of the content (and controversy) that he can put on a mainstream musical platform. There are certainly rappers out there that project even more reflection on socio-political problems, but those rappers exist well under the mainstream media radar. NaS is out front and he still uses his platform for stirring debate and discussion.

I find NaS to embody all the aspirations of the African American. From attempting to achieve status and wealth to reflecting on what these things mean in the grandest scheme of life. Is this why NaS has been so difficult for the masses to ingest? Do the masses want their entertainers to exist in only one sphere of thinking? Why can’t people describe the materials they have accrued and still describe the struggle that remains for freedom? Some critics of NaS complain that he only pays lip service to the latter, but honestly, why isn’t the story of conspicuous consumption only a dream as well? We assume that NaS owns the Maybachs and helicopters he rhymes about, yet we don’t allow him the fantasies of revolution or social change.

Why can’t we have it both ways? Why can’t we have economic access and socio-political change? I understand why white fears this. White thinks that they will be subjected to the same genocidal tendencies they have promoted for centuries if they ever retracted their supremacist idealogy. The universe will have to balance itself one of these days but the truth is that the overwhelming majority of the oppressed just want the foot off their neck without seeking to return the disservice. NaS represents that.

For my mind, NaS greatest achievement was breathing life back into his father’s career. Our parent’s give us birth and they infuse us with our hopes and dreams. How church must that be to be able to return that gift to the ones that first gave it to us? It’s even bigger than buying your moms a mansion or a car or anything with money. It’s about giving them a chance to pursue life on their own terms. NaS has been doing that ever since he first released ‘Illmatic’. That album was the looking glass for Hip-Hop and rap music. He hasn’t changed who he is in all this time. NaS still dreams of living life lavish and turning tragedy into triumph.

‘Untitled’ is a collection of ideas that cover race, and class as well. It won’t end poverty or racism if the listener is someone that only wants to nod their head. For some people however it will change the way they see the world and themselves in it. At the end of the day that is really all you could want from art. The rest is up to us to secure. What do you value for your life? Let that be your goal.


Jail: Still Fucked The Fuck Up…

Monday, July 21st, 2008


Here’s a surprise for your eyes…

Jail is still a shitty place to call home. If you were thinking about doing a bid to help increase your street credibility in order for you to sell some fucking records then you need to reconfigure your business plan. In one of the nations largest single site prisons the Federal monitors found that life was shitty for inmates and guards alike, but the guards chose to use the inmates to rel;ease their tensions, while the inmates chose other inmates.

Feds Blast ‘Culture Of Abuse’ At Chicago Jail

I’m not one of those folks who thinks that jail should be anything else but a place to keep the unsociable element of our society away from the rest of the people who are already beat down by the economic system. My big concern is that the U.S. system of justice has been primarily unjust to just us. Notice all the people in Texas who have had their convictions overturned when the district attorneys now in office started using DNA evidence and common sense.

I’m not saying that more people should be going to jail either, even though there are far more white arrested for drug offenses than the Blacks who are currently serving time. This isn’t for racial equality that I submit this drop. There are way too many Americans tied up in the court system for all kinds of shit. Prisons have become the catchall answer to responding to an under-educated, under-trained, ever-expanding poverty class.

I don’t believe that JONH McCAIN has the volition to examine how we treat our citizens and I’m not sure that BARACK has the willpower to address this situation at all. Our first Black president presided over one of the worst spikes for incarcerating African Americans since the days of slavery. G DUBBZ has simply continued the awe-full trend. We are approaching a point that we will will have a segment of our populatiuon that is readily programmed for institutionalization. And these aren’t universities I am speaking of.

Or are they?