Archive for January, 2009

The Magic Negro Boogaloo…

Thursday, January 8th, 2009


Shout out to my homey Boomer for sending this video to me to take my mind off my problems.

This video makes me wanna pop and lock for my lunch.


Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

oscar grant

Justice? Still blind.

The internets newswire is buzzing around the resignation of the officer responsible for the handgun lynching of AMADOU DIALLO SEAN BELL OSCAR GRANT III. A protest in the Bay area turned ugly as the tensions are very raw and unrequited.

The officer was scheduled to answer questions from the internal affairs division of the Bay Are Rapid Transit police, but he opted instead for having his attorney submit a resignation letter. This is an odd choice for action from the officer especially since the BART influenced media machine was flying the story that the officer mistook his handgun for a handheld Taser pistol.

What is incredible to this point is all the video that people have captured from their communication devices. The quality and sound is rich and dramatic. I am posting one of the YouTube clips that recently surfaced. I wonder if we won’t see some manner of censorship placed on YouTube for allowing these types of videos to be posted.

I so badly wish that OSCAR GRANT had not been a Black kid because the real story is the rise of unadulterated and unaccountable fascism. The officer resigns from his job and sits in his home. I remember that NYC had a week of “hell nights” after the murder of SEAN BELL in the vain attempt to find another witness to corroborate the officers story of a fourth man. If there had been a fourth man in the car with SEAN BELL there would have been a fourth guy with bullets inside of his body. All the police did was kick in doors in the south Queens neighborhood and convince people to keep their mouths shut.

This is another execution of a poor person by another poor person. Except in this case the killer won’t have to be accountable for his crimes and a whole community is changed forever. Even though this story is repeated ad nauseam for Black males we have to see that this murder is the result of all the wrong values we are instilling within people. The police, the onlookers and the victims are all complicit for allowing this situation to exist and multiply. How do we remove this cancer from our collective bodies?

With a lot of pain.



Tuesday, January 6th, 2009


During one of my less than illustrious stints in the halls of higher learning I was fortunate enough to be in a class taught by an adjunct professor. Dude was the motherfucking illest white dude evar in the history of evar. He even looked just like that image of the white Jesus. He had a wild hippy beard and this gaunt face that looked like he was about to be crucified and he was down with it like, “Whatever is whatever”.

I say he was the illest because he was down to have real serious discussions of hallucinogenic drugs and their possible benefits, but also the truth about their abuse. He told us that the window would get opened, but also that the window would be shut and depending on which side we were on would determine if we could ever function again. It was crazy shit peoples especially since I was going in hardbody on acid and a lot of other shit back in those days.

One of my favorite lessons from the professor was the significance of the apple throughout humanity. The allegorical power of the fruit is beyond belief and almost beyond humanity itself. When the apple is cut along its equator you will ALWAYS see the pentagram array of seeds.


Since ancient times this has been referred to as the star of knowledge. This is why he have the tradition of the student gifting the teacher with an apple as well as the biblical allegory of the apple inside the garden of Eden. The pentagram man that DaVinci illustrated is inspired from the belief that man was created on the fifth day. There is some powerful shit going on inside of the apple.


It doesn’t stop there though boys and girls it gets more freakier, as it should. When the apple is sliced longitudinally you find the description of the woman.

The professor cut the apple in half in the other direction and I will swear to you that shit looked like the sweetest cunt I ever saw. That is why every time I hear the word cunt my mouth starts to water. How could a cunt NOT taste good. Damn you Eve!


The professor’s lesson for the day was that GOD could create shit so perfect and delicious and life sustaining with both man and woman reflected inside of it. Why do humans think they have any clue what GOD is about when at most they are barely half of the whole picture?

STEVE JOBS had a press release that he was suffering from a hormone imbalance and that was why he had been losing weight. He’s getting some hormone treatments so his shit should be back up[ll] by the spring. Apple’s stock bumped up a few points with this news since there had been rampant speculation concerning JOBS non-appearance for Macworld 2009.

It’s my honest opinion that STEVE JOBS is a hermaphrodyte and he is busy having the mark of the beast removed from his flesh. Everyone thinks that the leviathan of armageddon will be unleashed through IBM. Nahh party peoples, it will come from the apple.


YouTube just deleted my video titled ‘Apple Store Computer Love’ where I take a trip into the retail side of Apple Computing. Kindly put an emphasis on the latter syllable of reTAIL.

The classic lives on though thanks to TERRENCE ELENTENY.

Computer Love from Terrence on Vimeo.

Comic Book Club: Live

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

peter david

Comic Book Club hosts writer/creator PETER DAVID tonight.

Chocolate Snowflake and I were going to go see ‘The Spirit’ for free on her Optimum Rewards card but I have decided to splurge out and spend the $10 for the both of us to listen to the creator of Fallen Angel discuss whatever comes to his mind. I’m hoping to glean something of the motivational techniques that successful writers use to break through to the other side.

Plus I fux with PETER DAVID. He had a monster two year run on X-Factor that was really nails.

Here’s the details if you are interested and in Manhattan this evening…

A Live Weekly Talk Show about Comic Books

Hosted by Justin Tyler, Pete LePage, and Alex Zalben

Tuesday, January 6th @ 8:00 PM

Peter David (Fallen Angel, She-Hulk, X-Factor)

Tickets: $5
Phone: 1-800-838-3006
Questions? 212-563-7488

The Peoples Improv Theater
154 West 29th Street, 2nd Floor
Between 6th and 7th Aves

peter david

Twitter HaXorz Go Biggtime…

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

twitter monkey

Twitter is shitting on the blogosphere. I can create a drop(post) using 140 characters including spaces and punctuation. That’s already less characters than I’ve used in this post so far. It is effectually microblogging and it is rumbling across the internets like a stampede of wild rhinoceratti. Twit with me @ DP2FTV.

I love that shit, but it was already showing signs of dying by virtue of popularity. The fact that people are Twitting while working, driving, eating, and even while sleeping has added to the streams of inanity insanity. Who the fuck cares what you just ate for lunch? Oh, avocado salad? That sounds tasty. Man, fuck that shit! And now some haXorz have infiltrated the Twitter database and taken over the accounts of celebrities.

Here are some of the Twitter entries that the haXorz posted…

“Breaking: Bill O Riley is gay”

cnn sanchez CNN’s RICK SANCHEZ
“i am high on crack right now might not be coming into work today”

“Hi Yall! Brit Brit here, just wanted to update you on the size of my vag”

I need some haXorz to take over this site, but I need them to post content about sneakers, comic books and the best places to leave deuces in NYC. Then I can finally get some sleep at night.