Archive for May, 2007

The 2007 NBA Playoffs… Who The Eff Cares?!?

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007


How boring are the NBA Playoffs? Last year I told the NBA to do away with the East-West seeding brackets by simpling installing a 1 through 16 seeding bracket. If I could have seen Phoenix and Dallas in a high scoring Finals I would have been happy. As it is I will tune in to see what San Antonio and Detroit have to say.

I think basketball is swooning now because of the nature of athleticism and the parameters of the game itself. What if the goal were heightened three more feet? This would stop all these ridiculous dunks and maybe SHAQUILLE O’NEAL would start jumping again. I would totally support the use of dwarfs as basketballs. The NBA tried that bullshit microfiber ball this season and everyone hated it. Dwarfs are better as long as you don’t dribble them by their chipped teeth.

How about letting defenders use baseball bats to stop ball handlers from attempting layups? That should be good for a little cross-sport synergy with America’s favorite pastime. I just know that Major League Baseball would totally subscribe to almost anything right now to appear hip again. How about free cocaine night at the arenas and the ballparks?

Damn, I am like a marketing wizard.


Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007


I don’t even know why I expect G DUBBZ to be contrite after all of the missteps that he and the subordinates in his administration have made. The most troubling aspect of this administration’s contempt for the Constitution is how they brazenly have usurped control of the court’s system.

Attorney General ALBERTO GONZALEZ is supposed to be the nation’s top law enforcer. When the man with the gavel becomes corrupted by his power, who watches the watchers? I have no confidence in A.G. GONZALEZ to do the right and proper thing for this country. I have no confidence in anyone within the G DUBBZ administration to uphold the laws of America. Fuck a FIFTY CENT, these are the real gangsters.

Every politician in your zip code has to be responsible for this fiasco in D.C. Whoever is running for election this November has to be held responsible. Whether it’s your local councilperson that you bounce or your state legislator that you send to the unemployment line let them know that it is because they let their counterparts in the capital run amok unchecked.

I’m also on a total lettuce boycott until GONZALEZ resigns. Take that Mexico.


Monday, May 21st, 2007

adams joker

I thought I would be remiss in creating a series of sneakers representing D.C. Comics characters and not holding it down for some of the villains that make the heroes do damn interesting. The first villain that came to my mind is Batman’s arch-nemesis. Let’s face it, who in the world is more ill than the Joker? No, I mean that literally. This dude is straight up effin’ bananas.

byrne joker

He’s so effin’ crazy that he will run up on Superman just to get at Batman. In the end I think that’s what everyone digs about the Joker is his singular obsession with the Bat. Nullus, as always, to any and all homoeroticism as it might relate to comic book characters and my sneaker collection.

joker dallas

joker dallas

joker dallas

joker dallas

joker dallas

joker dallas

Bodegas, Bodegas, Everywhere And Not A Quarter Water To Drink…

Monday, May 21st, 2007


Shouts to my brother from another mother over at OhWord Dot Com. It looks like the New York City Department of Health has been watching the ‘Internets Celebrities’ videos. They just released a report stating that bodegas sell shitty foods. Ha. The Internets Celebrities told you that last year.

Former NYC Mayor EDWARD KOCH could have told you that the bodegas are the only places poor people and the disenfranchised shop. The bodegas are even frequented by the middle class as well. Former Mayor DAVID DINKINS still goes to the bodega when he wants to pick up some party favors. It’s real like that.


Speaking of bodegas…

Brooklyn Bodega Dot Com is at again. I’m talking about their annual Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival. NYC doesn’t have enough free Hip-Hop events planned for the summer but the Brooklyn Hip-Hop festival nearly puts the entire season on it’s back. There are weekly events that lead up to the climax which is an outdoor concert with Ghostface Killah. Large Professor has just been added to a couple of festival dates. So don’t fake the funk and get your mind right early this summer Put the Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival on your calendar. Not now, right now.


You cats struck gold today. Here is a link to D.L. The Dark Crystal movie. Big shout to DP Dot Commenter Kaos for doing us this justice.


Sunday, May 20th, 2007


You know what I think is fucked the fuck up? Nobody ever gives praise to GOD for having a great bowel movement. All things come from the one and a truly magnificent movement is divine. Just think about the crazy machine that is the human body. Think about all the food that you eat that isn’t brown, but then GOD blesses you to process that food and break it down for it’s nutirents and vitamins and whatever, and then you discard it like you never even ate it. I remember one weekend that I ate like six cans of tuna. Come Monday morning my dump smelled like tuna oil. Thank you Jesus.


I bet some of you pray and hold hands before you eat. You should hold someone’s hand and pray to GOD before you take a shit as well. Thanking GOD and praying for a healthy, nutty log. I like to eat corn without chewing it so I can see what my shit schedule is like. I create a doodoo blanket in my toilet bowl by leaving several plys of t.p. inside the bowl. In this way I can extract the log for examination.


I check for a sturdy consistency and a nice saddle brown coloration. If your doot is too yellow that means you need to increase your iron and vitamin C intake. If you stool is really dark brown then you might have some intestinal bleeding. I think it’s important that we all examine our dropoffs as we get older in order to maintain a working knowledge of our own personal infrastructure.


I hold my poop in my hand to see how firm it is. Sometimes I leave it on the windowsill in order for it to harden. After it hardens you can sculpt your doot into different shapes and motifs. I thank GOD for giving me the artistic talent to create lifesize human statues out of my feces. Everyone should pray to the Lord before their next visit to the poo poo throne. And all good things shall come from GOD. Amen.
